"Snowflake" is just so apropo

Was there a chimp in the tree with the banana peel?

What? They’ve got a whole town just for snowflakes, fer cryin’ out loud.

Funny how a post that ridicules what rightfully ought to be ridiculed is subject to a defensive form of ridiculing to divert attention from how stupid it is for people to be afraid of a damn banana peel.

Suppose they had a bunch? Or a pointed stick?



Infantilizing a big swath of our young people and instilling victim mentality in them apparently is considered a positive development by many.

Twenty-five posts, and no one has pointed out that the word is apropos? :dubious:

Well, hardly anyone.


In other news, the Theater Department has canceled a planned appearance by actress Diana Rigg, on the grounds that her previous role as Emma Peel might make some students feel unsafe.

From one of the linked articles;

“Two students came forward and told they had done bananas"

In my day, this meant a hopeless attempt at getting high by smoking banana peels.

No, only 19. :slight_smile:

It’s ridicule all the way down!


And since this “snowflake” business is part of a larger and long-running cultural war around racial issues: American history provides a lot of noxious context when we’re evaluating “innocent” or “humorous” cultural symbols. See: golliwogs, Little Black Sambo, jokes about fried chicken/watermelon, etc. etc.


Even greater transgression: “Apropos” is not a synonym for “Appropriate”, which is the sense in which it is being used by OP.

“Apropos” is accurately synonymous with “relevant” or “pertinent”. It only faintly and tangentially approaches the definitional meaning of “appropriate”, except for anti-prescriptionists* who insist that if that’s how it’s being used now, that’s what it means.

*i.e., Humpty Dumpty and everyone else who wish to hasten the downfall of civilization

DAMMIT! I searched ‘apropo’ and ‘apropos’, but didn’t think about someone copying and pasting dictionary text! :smack:

As for the term ‘snowflake’, it’s funny that Conservatives think they’re insulting Liberals with it, when clearly, it is the Conservatives who are so easily offended and are the true snowflakes. Whenever a Conservative calls a Liberal a snowflake, I point and laugh at him.

I was going to mention that.


Speaking as a descriptivist, I’m gonna have to

  1. contest the premise, because I hate civilization :wink:
  2. contest the specific argument (“appropriate,” when referring to a contested word like “snowflake,” is very close in contextual meaning to “relevant” or “pertinent”)
  3. point out that Okrahoma made no attempt to explain how supposed over-sensitivity to displays of banana peels have anything to do with the descriptor “snowflake.” I could try to draw a series of conceptual connections, but I’d never say that that made the term apropos.

I see this took place at a Greek Life retreat.

In my fraternity days, I was too busy drinking and fucking to notice a God damn banana in a tree.


You know who loves Fried Chicken and Watermelon?


While we now interpret “snowflake” as an insult meaning “fragile, easily offended, etc.,” I believe its origins are in the concept of the “special snowflake,” otherwise expressed as “participation trophies for all.”

Like all slang terms – and, dare I say, like all words? – it has inherent contradictions in its various roles on our language game.

I don’t like watermelon.


For a serious response, if I understand the article correctly, banana peels in trees were previously used as threats (or similar) in a different incident, and thus a new banana peel in a tree was considered a possible threat as well.

Here is an article from the local paper that includes a photo of the alleged peel. The paper did not take the photo; it was cited as being circulated on social media.

I oppose racism in all its forms but let’s not go looking for it where it ain’t.

This line in the article linked by the OP makes it sound like satire: