So, I'm New.

Hey, s’pose i’d introduce myself.

My name is Purin血, (血 is the kanji for blood, just in case you weren’t knowledgable on the ol’ japanese-y shenanigans) or Lexi if you would prefer. I am 15. I’m an avid fan of anime and manga. I am an amateur digital/traditional artist, too.

Straight Dope user cmyk is my father. I have watched my father make [del]a fool of himself[/del] many smart/hysterical comments and debates on this board since I was 3. I’m excited to actually be a participant and no longer look over his shoulder.

Can’t wait to mingle with you all, hope to see you 'round the joint.

Now… Where’s my frickin’ pie?! :cool:


I’m so [del]frightened[/del] proud for my little girl, all growed up!

Pie must be earned, young Padawan.

Welcome to the boards, Generation Two! :slight_smile:

See?! That’s what I keep telling her! They never listen…

Thank you, generation two will not fail you!

Ahem. Noobs are supposed to bring pie for the rest of us. You’re lucky this isn’t the NFL, where you’d have to pay for us to go to Vegas.

So, what are some good manga these days? I’m decades out of date but have some girls that are getting into that age…

BTW, welcome.

PS. My kids don’t know I post here so please don’t out me.

My apologies, and here you go. 3.14159… bet it all on red. :cool:

How old are your girls? It depends on age.
And your secret is safe with me. :wink:

Well played. :smiley:

What, you speak Proto-Indo-European as well?
(When come back, bring PIE…)

Welcome, welcome! Would you like some ice cream? It goes well with pie, if we can get the pie to hold still.

It’s obvious that you are going to be a terrific addition.

This thread warms my heart.

Welcome. :slight_smile:

Welcome to the SDMB.

Any bets on when she hauls dad off to the Pit ? :smiley:

I’ll give her a week. :wink:


Nice to have you. I’ve been embarrassing myself on the internet since I was 13. I’m glad my parents weren’t able to see my posting history though, how do you handle that?

Pie? I thought goats were involved? Welcome to the Boards!

Mwahaha! Posting history…

Crap. That cuts both ways, doesn’t it? eyeballs 10,000+ posts spanning 12 years

Welcome to the boards, Purin.

Hi, New! :wink:

I warned her about the goats, and told her to prepare.

I’m just not sure she found the proper safety gear and eye protection.