So, now, what's the most technology strapped to your hip at any given time?


Well, after the latest revival and my current order of PowerPoint Ranger T-Shirts, I’ll take a shot or two of my geekdom just for the teeming millions.

I carry a lot of shit. Feel free to stare in awe at my latest Batman Factor.

Thankfully, I have no Boy Wonder.

I wish I had a Boy Wonder… instead, all I’ve got is some spare change, a few scraps of paper, and a couple of keys. sigh

You think Batman can spare a Robin or two?

Oh, I love these threads. Carried on my hip? I wear, at all times, a Leather Fanny Pouch pretty much identical to this one. Into it, I typically cram:

  1. A Motorola 730i Cell Phone.

  2. A Tangerine Handspring Visor.

  3. A 128 megabyte USB Memory Stick.

  4. A bundle of Keys, similar but not identical to these. :stuck_out_tongue:

  5. My wallet.

  6. Some United States Currency.

  7. Two pens. One felt, one ballpoint.

  8. One pair Purple Nitrile Gloves, just in case I face something bloody.

  9. 1 Albuterol Inhaler.

  10. 1 spare Lithium Ion Battery for cel phone ( see # 1 ).

  11. One Leatherman SuperTool in cordura nylon pouch.

Then, there’s the PortaBrace Shoulder Bag, but that’s for another thread entirely. :slight_smile:


I’m obviously a Luddite. At the moment, in the office, all I have is my building security pass. At home, I wouldn’t have anything.

I’ll impress neither the Luddites nor the serious technoids, but you asked, so here goes. I never carry anything on my hip; pockets or shoulder bag all the way. Most of the time, the only personal tech I carry consists of my key ring, my five-buck Wal-Mart watch, my three year-old Kyocera cell phone, and whatever magnetic strip-enhanced cards that may be in my wallet.

If I’m schlepping my beat-up old Dell laptop, I am then fully kitted out with the lappy, a spare floppy drive, a 64Mb USB memory device, a pair of lightweight earphones, and,er, a pen and pencil.

If I go out on a photo expedition, however, add to all the above a couple of digital cameras (Panasonic DMC-FZ20, Canon G3), spare memory cards for each, and a Uniden RF scanner.

And a big chip. On my shoulder.


The most I ever have on my person is a cell phone & a wristwatch - unless, of course, the wheelchair counts.