So there's this 12-year-old kid named Grace VanderWaal. A star aborning!

Somebody posted this to my Facebook page tonight and I was pretty impressed. (Listen all the way through for the best parts.)

So I went online to try to find out who she was. Surely a kid who can sing like this must have some sort of presence online.

But noooo, she not only has a presence online, her name is Grace VanderWaal and she was on America’s Got Talent (singing an original composition no less) and got called “the next Taylor Swift” by Simon Cowell.

Her AGT performance is available on Youtube but here it is even better and with lyrics.

I think you guys are going to enjoy this kid. She’s gonna be a star some day.

Also, check out Amira Willighagen, another talented young singer.

Same song, shows her in a talent show

It’s amazing what these kids are doing, they are both incredible.

Grace VanderWaal has talent, to be sure.

Amira Willighagen was as astounding a child opera singer as I’ve ever seen.

My contribution is from a few years back (and I’ve posted it on the Dope before). Although she’s now 17, at the time this was made she was just 13 years old; here’s Carly Rose Sonenclar performing Nina Simone’s Feeling Good.

Wow, you guys are right, those girls are fabulous! It’s hard to believe how such young kids can have so much talent. Thanks for the links.

Grace has natural talent. That’s a cute video. Not a song choice I’d make but she obviously likes it. I hope her parents have arranged music lessons.

There’s a lot of vocal technique that she needs to learn. Breath control, sustaining notes and other techniques. That just gives her the tools to apply her talent.

She could be really good with training.

Hey, Aceplace, here’s Grace’s performance on America’s Got Talent. It’s a much different song and one she wrote herself. Her vocals are quite a bit stronger in this clip; the other one on her back porch was just kind of a doodle. I’d be interested in your assessment of her vocals in lieu of this performance.

I’m not trained musically so don’t really know about the finer points of singing, such as breath control, sustaining notes and so forth, so opinions like yours are helpful. I’ll be out for the rest of the day so thanks in advance for your opinion should you find the time to post it.

Her AGT performance is more polished. She probably will be a rising star in a few years. She’s only 12. A few more years of music training and she could sing other styles. Ballads, and Blues standards like Christina Aguilera does.

It’s hard to really to say anything more specific. Because I haven’t heard her attempt other styles that requires more technique and control.

She may stick with the style she’s using now. That may be enough to launch her career. Never know what the public will buy

It’s safe to say that no one can predict who will be successful in music. We see a lot of talented people on AGT, The Voice and Idol. Delivering great performances. Then their career doesn’t take off after the show. Stardom is an elusive goal for anyone to grab.

I hope Grace continues writing songs and having fun with music. Performing for crowds and being the center of attention. She’s obviously a natural performer.

Stardom might come or it might not. It doesn’t in any way define who she is or her talent.

Is she a force to be reckoned with?

I hated her audition on AGT. She warbled in this faux put-on Scottish sounding accent that just grated because of how fake it was.

Good points, aceplace57. Thanks for the insight. :slight_smile:

As far as Scottish-esque accent she adopted to sing her own composition on AGT, it didn’t bother me at all. I figured either that she sang most of her songs in that way because she thought it better suited her song(s), or because she was trying to establish a unique style. I thought it lend a plaintive quality to the song that suited it very well.

I know how you feel though. Alanis Morrisette adopts a vocal affectation that I find so grating I can’t stand to listen to her. I saw a video once of her singing on a talent show (Star Search, I think) when she was still young, possibly in her early to mid-teens, and she hadn’t adopted that singing style yet and I found myself wondering why she ever did. I thought she sounded much better back then. But, millions of people loved her stuff, so ‘de gustibus’ and all that.

Unlike Morissette however, Grace VanderWaal is so damn cute and sweet and adorable that I have a hard time imagining anything I wouldn’t overlook or forgive when it comes to her. (:p)

It’ll be interesting to see if she’s able to develop a career as an adult, and what sound she’ll mature into.

She reminds me of Connie Talbot, who first appeared on TV in 2007 at the age of 6. She astonished everyone with how well she did for someone that age. She continues to improve and do well relative to her age:

The moment she started singing my jaw hit the floor. What an amazing girl she is.

The audition when she was 6 was impressive but that song from this year is fucking incredible. I mean, the style of music isn’t my cuppa, but her voice is amazing: clear, controlled and with just enough overtones to be interesting. If this young lady can pick the right songs, she’s gonna have a terrific career.

Wow, she does absolutely nothing for me at all. I thought at first it was the song choice (I’m sorry, but it’s awkward listening to a 12 year old trying to interpret a song of that type), but her AGT audition didn’t impress me either. She’s cute, and enthusiastic, but the next Taylor Swift? Nah. She’s got a LOT of work ahead of her.

Amira is extremely talented; two records out already, but it’s been three years since her win, so we’ll see if she has staying power.

At the opposite end of the scale of child singers - because there are no stars, no personalities, no glitz and glamour, just highly trained and highly talented boy choristers - is King’s College Choir.

The choir was founded in 1441 to sing at services in the magnificent medieval Chapel of King’s College, Cambridge, and that’s still their home.

The boys have to be able to sight-read music, and they are pretty thoroughly trained. But new boys are always joining, and older boys are always leaving, so it’s always a team effort.

They sing all kinds of music, but mostly religious and classical. You can find dozens of videos.

Start of Christmas carol service 2012

Another carol - All Bells In Paradise

Publicity video to encourage parents to enroll their kids:

Swing Low Sweet Chariot