I doubt that it’s any kind of full breed, but any idea on what might be in her line? She weighs right at 40 pounds, and has a rather solid build. She showed up at a relative’s house, and I took her off his hands.
Nice looking dog. She looks like she could be a sheepdog/terrier mix.
Border Collie x some kind of wire-haired terrier is my guess too.
It doesn’t know either, sports a question mark for a tail.
Border collie/terrier was my guess too. One of the larger stockier breeds of terrier though. Something like this. She looks like a lovely dog at any rate, but, may I ask, is she a bit on the hyperactive side
Actually she is, but I just chalked that up to her age. Vet estimates 12-18 months.
Portuguese Water Dog mix.
Some kind of doodle dog? Poodle crosses are pretty popular and I wouldn’t be surprised if someone trying to make a buck was creating their own “designer” variation. Has a Labradoodle look, but not sure about the black and white coat.
Poodle x border collie maybe?
1st choice: Border Collie x Wire terrier
2nd choice: Border Collie x Schnauzer.
I know exactly what you have.
You have an American Standard Short Haired Mixed Breed Sized Medium. AKA a good, old fashioned mutt.
(At least some terrier. The curly tail comes from somewhere, what did the vet think?)
PWDs are very rare though. Hard to find a purebred, let alone a mix. I would say border collie / terrier somethingorother.
Although I linked to a Border Terrier I was thinking she had the look of my friend’s dog who is some kind of border mix. He’s certainly a bit hyper, and as for Border Collies …
I think you have a dog that will be very rewarding if given plenty to do.
Actually, he thought maybe bearded or border collie with some kind of terrier.
border collie X portuguese water dog X otter hound
If that tail is genuinely curly and not just waggariffic, then you’ve got a telltale (sorry) trait. Curly tails only occur in a small handful of dog breeds. A quick google gives me:
- Pug (probably not, seeing as your puppy has a proper nose)
- Akita (maybe a few generations back, as they start at 75 lbs.)
- Shiba Inu (like an Akita, only much smaller)
- Keeshond
- Basenji (African barkless dog, smaller than yours and skinny)
- Chow chow (much bigger and fluffier, look for any black spots on the tongue)
- Norwegian Elkhound
- Siberian Husky
- Alaskan Malamute
- Karelian Bear Dog (very rare, probably not)
- Pomeranian (very small lapdog)
- Samoyed (large, very fluffy white dog)
None of them are an obvious, exact match, but it’s likely you got a crossbreed. After a few generations, the curly tail trait may have been retained while nearly all the other traits were swamped out.
I have a dog that we think is predominately German Shepard and Lab. With a spotted tongue and curly tail. So some chow in there somewhere, likely (or just a mutant). Several generations of mutt breeding and its like asking my kids “are you Irish?” (Yes, and Italian, Romanian, Scottish, English, French, German, Dutch, Czech…and then we loose track)
My first thought was a husky with a terrier head…Tusky?
Hard to tell from the picture, but is her coat soft and fluffy or harsh and wiry?
If it’s soft and fluffy, that type of dog is known as a Chick Magnet.
Tends more toward wiry.