So what part of GTA: San Andreas are you stuck on?

Woe is me, the casual video-gamer. I cannot get past this freaking ‘Photo Opportunity’ mission in the San Fiero part of the game. Despite several tries, I cannot get a good set of photos of the dealers (it doesnt help that I’ve also crashed the car right before getting to Angel Pine, a monster waste of time).

I’m also failing miserably in Zero’s mission where I have to shoot down the RC planes. This ‘official strategy guide’ my wife gave me w the game suggested taking on that mission at night, which lead to even more of a spectacular failure than my previous efforts.

Were it not for hitting a 20k bet on a 10-1 horse (Bobby’s Knob or a similar type name) i’d have made no progress at all the last couple days.

criminy - this was supposed to go into Cafe Society. Forgive me Mods, and please move.

Ha, at least I’m not the only one who gets really frustrated by parts of that game that I can’t get past. If I recall, the photo mission that you’re talking about is the one where you have to go onto the roof and take pictures of the guys as they park and go into the restaurant or something like that. I screwed up on that one a few times before I realized that you have to zoom in all the way on their faces when you take the picture.

Also, the games makes it seem as though there are only 2 guys or so, but you end up having to take about 4 or 5 pictures of different guys. I beat the RC one after a while, but if you think that one is hard just wait until you have to actually control the RC plane to kill 5 different couriers in different parts of the city without running out of fuel. That mission honestly took me like 40+ tries!

I finished the game missions about two weeks ago, but wasn’t doing the SIMS-y stuff, now I can’t work out at the gym and need to gain muscle so I can Beat the Cock in the triathalon. Gotta admit I used a cheat for the RC Raid, but the courier killing wasn’t so bad, maybe three or four tries.

That RC plane mission had no business being in the game. Incredibly frustrating.

The RC level is really hard, you just gotta keep at it and eventually you get a lucky one.

The next level where you chase the vans is another one where you just keep at it until you get a lucky run, although if you land you don’t use fuel so you can sit and wait to some extent.

Go to the betting shop underneath the freeway downtown, bet all your money on the longest shot horse. If you lose, reload the game and try again. If you win you get loads of money. Buy the house in Jefferson nearby so you can keep trying. It might take you 10 goes to get a winner. If you win, save the game. If you lose reload and try again. Do that two or three times and you end up with millions of dollars.

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For some reason, I completely lost interest right about the time that I started doing the desert missions for Toreno. Is it just me, or does SA have a lot more missions, but many of them being very unimaginitive and boring?

I got the “shoot down the planes” mission on the third try, I think. Keep firing - never let the gun stop, because it takes a second or two for it to start back up again. And watch the radar so you know where the planes are coming from.

The next one, shooting the couriers with the RC planes, I couldn’t do. Luckily, my brother flew out for Christmas, and he’s played every video game ever made, so I made him pass it for me. That’s really the only mission I’ve gotten really stuck on.

Other than that, I think the hardest was the pilot school, where you have to circle the runway, hitting all the coronas right on. Then, in the next lesson, you get to do it again, then land. Those sucked. The planes take some getting used to to fly.

i just didnt do the rc plane mission, since you dont need to. its too hard :stuck_out_tongue: one im stuck on at the moment is the outrider one related to jizzy and those bunch fo crims, where u escort the van. thats pretty hard for me i dont have great aim with the sniper rifle or anything.

on another note, horse betting?? where??

That is only the mission on which I stranded, so I just forgot about it.
The rest of the missions were pretty simple, I think, and I am not really a hardcore gamer.
I have finished the game within a few sessions, only the RC missions were near to impossible.
Oh yeah, and the last mission was a bit hard and cost me about 10 tries.

I am a bad driver AND a bad shooter. I still haven’t saved Sweet and his girlfriend. That’s right-- I said I haven’t saved Sweet and his girlfriend yet. Once, I got as far as killing all the gangmembers but got busted by the police on the way home. It doesn’t help that I only get to play once a month or so. But this time, I refuse to let my son do the missions I can’t like I did in Vice City.

I agree with Smeghead- the pilot training missions are waaaay too tought for me. After two hours of attempting to bank the plane through those damned hoops and never making it in time, I just gave up.

I kept at it a while so I could get that big juicy prize, the Hunter (Apache) helicopter, which makes the Vigilante Mission SO much fun! Just fly around a LOT to get your pilot skills up (and I do mean a LOT!) and the plane handles better.

I cannot get the Stoppie done in the Motorcycle school, and the Driving School with the car? Sheesh, I’m trying to get all Golds, but I’m stuck with a lot of Bronze.

You got ALL GOLD in the flight-school.
I am impressed, UncleBill
I have tried for ages but finally gave up.
I think I need to steal one of those big passenger-planes so I can get my pilot-skill maxed out.
Maybe then I will manage.

By the way : I thought the Official Strategy Guide sucked, compared to the one for Vice City.
You hardly get any useful tips.
It was certainly not worth the money.
I have tried using the map to locate the Unique Photo Opportunities, but couldn’t find a single one !

For shooting down those RC planes, I would go absolutely for daylight hours and using the radar go for the nearest ones first as they come in. You can get them while they’re still just dots.

As for the following courier one, if you can’t smoothly strafe the buggers, try landing and wheeling around them while shooting.

Agreed. The official guide blows.

I couldn’t sleep last night so I cranked up the game and just drove around listening to Forth Right MC for an hour, building up my motorcycle skill rating.

Has anyone flown on the airlines? I went into the airport in San Jacinto and had a chance to buy a ticket to another part of town. Can you jack on of those planes?

Try doing the missions when you don’t know where you are supposed to go. Apparently I’ve run into as bug that has made the mission map blips disappear. Guess I’ll have to visit gamefaqs.

Am stuck on the final level - can complete the first stage (shooting), but not the driving section.

Didn’t even try the RC missions - don’t plan on subjecting myself to them!