Some happy news for Book of our kids won!

I was informed this morning that Sarah, Book Fairy child of FairyChatMom won the MORE program’s essay contest.

Each year the kids are encouraged to write an essay about what the MORE program means to them. One winner is selected from the entire school and it’s Sarah!

I am so excited and happy for her and proud of her. She will attend the MORE luncheon with me on April 28th and read her essay and receive an award. I’ll get to present the award to her.

Out of the 24 kids in my class this year 15 turned in an essay. This is a huge improvement from last year.

So far the kids have successfully completed 396 book reports. Our goal for the year was 400 and they kids thought we would never make it. Looks like they have surprised themselves!

THIS is what this program is all about. This is why I do this and this is why I talk about it nonstop.

THANK YOU SD Book Fairies and other members who have contributed to, asked about and spared a thought for this program and these kids.

I can only hope next year is as big of a success. :slight_smile:

Woo hoo! You must be thrilled!

Hooray for Sarah!

Everyone who participates in this comes out a winner!
When do you think you will be starting this next year?

Will you have the names/sexes of the kids next year?

And, will Aries continue this fine, fine program next year with her Doper Minions waiting anxiously to assist her in any way they postally can.

I’m always keeping an eye out for books for these kids.

I will officially start the program for a new class in September. I’ll get my class list around then also.

Yes, I plan to do this again but maybe in a slightly different format.

I will most definitely post a thread about it then and see if there is still an interest.

If so, you betcha I’ll organize it again.

How very exciting! I’m so proud of my girl!!! :D:D:D I’m also embarrassed that I’m way overdue in answering her last note to me. I’ll get it written tonight and on its way tomorrow.

YAY, Sarah!!!