Somebody point Wolfstu here

If I have some new idea to post, I attempt to find a related thread that already exists rather than start a new one. This seems to make efficient sense to me. If such a thread exists, I post my new idea to it; if not, I start a new thread.

I do not resurrect a thread simply because I started it - if I find a related thread to the new idea I wish to post, that’s where I post it, regardless of who started it.

Others have revived threads of mine. Threads of mine have also died of natural causes.

Why is this a problem? So you’re reading a thread that was started a few days/weeks/months ago? If somebody has something to add, maybe it’s still interesting. If it’s not - don’t read it. If you like, I can stop pointing that gun to your head and forcing you to read everything on this board.

Just my two cents.

Funny how people always try to find reason in The Pit. Huh. New folk are allowed to bump threads, but suddenly no one’s allowed to gripe about stuff. Yeah, pretty soon this whole board will turn into MPSIMS. How disappointing.

Well, funny that, because that’s not what I meant. I simply meant that I’ve more than once found myself on the unpopular side of an argument, regardless of the issue. Ah, yes, but I forgot - I’m the One Trick Pony around here. I should have guessed that’s how people continue to see me - or, rather, that’s how you see me. See that? Learn something new every day around here. :rolleyes: (I am so glad I know better than this.)

OK, this and all your implications that I’m some kind of martyr deserve a hearty “Fuck you!” with knobs on it. I do not request that people feel sorry for me for being misunderstood (nice Freudian misspelling, too, there) by society. I’m here to fight ignorance, not give into it. Does life sometimes get me down? Hell yeah, but I don’t want your fucking pity - haven’t asked for it, don’t need it, won’t take it. If you’re only going to see me as the infamous OTP, that’s your narrow view of me, and your problem as well - let your own prejudices color you as they will. I’m not going to stand here and once again “defend” myself for the way I behave on this board; if you want to see me as only the Gay Guy, then so be it, but I and others know I’m a whole hell of a lot more than that. And, oh, shock of all shocks, things piss me off. And I vent about them. And I can take it if people don’t agree with me, even if I get pissed off about it. Life goes on.

You are, but thanks for sharing.

Oh, and Badtz, you’re right, there’s no one holding a gun to my head, but since our still-absent subject was bumping threads with titles that caught my interest, I read them. And saw they were almost two years old. And saw he wasn’t adding anything worth bumping a thread up for. And it annoyed me. And all this is IMHO. And that’s my own $0.02, as stated.


Okay, while I agree that Esprix’s calling of a new member a fuckhead a little over the top I think we need to address it, without the name calling.

No, if the thread is a year old, don’t bring it up. If you have a legit question then ask the damn question (like the ATMB one I saw) but don’t reinvent the wheel, ask a new question, and that probably doesn’t fit in ATMB anyway from the example I have seen today.

Okay where are threads that have run their course and really shouldn’t be brought up? Take MPSIMS of course. Shit most of those don’t even deserve the bandwidth anyway and so many times people repeat the previous thread and not even know it…I assume this applies to IMHO as well. Okay, fine, I have done a few of those topics myself so I am as guilty as the next person. But if it’s an old topic and it’s a mundane thing then why bring up the old topic but somehow it’s different, this I see a lot? Much of the time I see it barely resembles the OP anyway.

Pit Threads that have had their last breath, leave them mother fuckers alone, it’s old, fuck, bringing it up again and some have done so, is just fucked up. We have seen the damage done by bringing up old shit that is over and done with…I can’t cite any off the cuff but have seen enough Pit threads that should have never been brought to light long after the fact and frankly the mods should have closed them down long ago, then some asshole brings it up again only to create issues again with people. If any place needs a standard lockdown it’s The Pit, maybe MPSIMS and now IMHO.

Threads we might consider okay to bring back to life would be ones in GQ where a new insight might be heard. But for the most part if it’s a small thing to bring up, like where to get Cecil’s books, or whatever, then start a new thread. In this case you not only get new people in the mix but you also may be able to bring up a place where his books are available and you don’t confuse people with old and outdated information.

Fine line folks, and common sense. If it’s new insight to an old thread, not rehashing, then I think it’s warranted. But if people are going to bring up the old shit for shitting’s sake then it’s not worth the effort and then they should be branded as dolts…but calling them fuckheads (Esprix, sorry my dear) is really not called for. I mean shit, the person is relatively new, we all were new once. If we can only work with the new people to steer them in the right direction…BTW, there have been many a posters that were complete idiots in the beginning and usually with some gentle pushing turn out to be some of our respected posters here even if they have little combative nature to fighting ignorance or whatever.

We can’t expect every new person to the boards to know all the “unspoken rules” we have here. We can encourage them and help them, that’s what I am asking of you here unless we can obviously tell they are trolling or are sock puppets. Most of us can distinguish between the trolls/sock puppets and the new people that aren’t familiar with the boards.

So Esprix my dear, please do me and all of us a favor, before you Pit a new person, try to understand they all don’t know the rules of the game (spoken and unspoken) and maybe a gentle nudge will work. If the nudge doesn’t then you know the person is in the wrong place and not meant for the SDMB.

Leave it to techie to be reasonable. What a bitch. :wink:

Why is this required? Where is it written that every post must be nice to every person to get them to stay?

It’s called “lurking.” Post to a board when you know nothing about it and you open yourself up to ridicule.

From what I’ve read (and this is just MHO, folks) the jury’s still out on him.


LOL, that post of mine you responded to is actually cut and pasted directly from one of your posts, here.

Oh, aren’t we clever.

First, that was in direct response to being accused of reviving threads solely because they were ones I started.

Second, I’ve already conceded that posting something worthwhile to an old thread is an exception.

Third, the post you quote is from almost a year ago. Shockingly, my opinion has changed slightly. Fancy that, people changing and all.

Are we finished being clever now?


Nope, I will probably remain clever until the day I die.

Ahhh whenever I’m bored at work and need a laugh I always have a Badtz post to look for and make me realize damn he is funny. For real though I’m glad some people haven’t lost their sense of humor and are funny as all hell. Thank you Badtz for making my day.

GOD DAMNED WINDOWS KEYBOARD!!! Anyhow, calming down now, previous post took a dive to the great unknown.
Esprix, being nice to new people because they are new is not a required thing but being civil is. So someone comes across as a complete cow pie to you…okay does this make for a Pit thread? Okay so the rules, as we know it aren’t exactly known by the cow pie person…does this give you the right to call a person to a thread for what they don’t know? You could have explained in very nice terms in the thread(s) in question what was so wrong.

Come on Esprix, you know and I know that the best route to get a person to understand is to explain to it them in a way they can understand, I am sorry I am even bringing this up but you being gay has to at least give me some knowledge that you know what I am talking about even if extreme. If they don’t understand in the most rudementary terms then why bother? Shit Esprix, I used to be Bi…yep bonafide bisexual, not anymore as only a man can please me but I still I understand that you can’t explain what you think or feel without some people getting all weird on you as I still have feelings on that route. In this case I think that you need to stick to causes that are not in this realm and let the new person feel things out for him or herself…shit my first post here was a Pit thread, not popular at all my dear but hell, I established who I was. But that’s a different story.

What I am saying is, so what a new person, whether or not he or she has spent time here needs to learn the rules my friend. You know that. Is is right to call a new person to The Pit over what you had a complaint about, my friend, I think not. There are many reasons to call someone to The Pit over things and hun, this aint one of them. The guy/girl is new, he/she thought that it was appropriate to bring up an old thread.

Cool, I am on your side when it comes to bringing up old threads, I think they should have been closed. But I don’t think you should poopoo the new people for their fuck ups, hell, we all do it and damn I have enough of my own to know that we are human, new people or not.

Look Esprix, I know what are you are saying, I totally do but I still think you should give the new people some leeway…that’s all I am saying, even with this god foresaken long post…sorry, been one of those days and I have more than an opinion on everything.

I forgot to add:

Esprix, you know what, over the last few months I have come to the conclusion that it’s not worth it to get my panties in a wad over certain things. I 'spose my work over on Fathom has done that for me. I can’t say much other than something happened I didn’t agree with, God, I must have spent six or more hours helping someone with my agreement of their situation and well, God Damnit, I feel that fighting for the right things is more productive. He left and that’s all I can say. I shouldn’t even being saying this!

I know in my heart my “fighting” was worth while even though some disagreed but it took me to a different level with this whole thing called the Pit. I hope I don’t feel the need to call some one a very derogatory term. I hope that my experience, that helped lead me back to the SDMB has made a difference in how I interact with everyone of the people over here.

Look, I learned a lot, I realized that rather that flame a person it might be more productive to actually discuss the issues that bother me Esprix. I don’t want to be a flaming bitch, although I have been almost compared to many on this board for that ability, almost queen of the flaming but not quite. But you know what, that’s fine with me.

Anyhow my dear. Please do me a favor, before you get on a new person’s ass, discuss it with him or her before a Pit thread ensues…This is all I am asking, be calm and really think, “Is it worth my energy?” I know I struggle with this every fucking day but I think I can control this as I have many concrete reasons to unleash on a few people here and I have been pretty God-Damned mellow about things. Trust me when I say I have reasons, of which I will not reveal. But I remain steadfast and willing to deal with it because I need to or leave again. Trust me when I say a few have been less than “kind” to me…But I could give a rat’s ass.

You don’t think the fact that you’ve posted 33 links to “Gay Guy” threads in this thread alone might be adding to the One Trick Pony impression, by any chance?

That was DAMN clever:)

Sorry, I disagree. What you posted was a flame (Poster X is an <insult> ), not a rant (I hate it when people do X), and frankly, it seemed like a pretty over-the-top flame given the minor nature of the “crime”, especially since there seems to be quite a bit of confusion regarding old post revival.

And I’ve been lurking and posting for over a year and I’ve never heard of the “one month” rule.

Obviously thread-revival that’s intended to be disruptive isn’t ok, but there seems to be a pretty wide range of disagreement on the appropriateness of reviving an old thread rather than starting a new topic.


I can’t seem to find it ‘written’ anywhere, but It’s a pretty well understood fact that the main rule of this board is ‘Don’t be a jerk’. Perhaps the admins will clarify but I don’t remember it as ‘Don’t be a jerk to the regulars, but do whatever you feel to newbies’. Wolfstu (damn, quite a wolf pack we got going here lately) did something that to me, and obviously to many other posters, was at worst a very understandable mistake, and at best is a more efficient use of bandwidth. When you didn’t get the groundswell of support, rather than reconsidering and apologising(if I missed it than I apologise), you reacted with a rant about your right to bitch. To me that is certainly within the ballpark of jerkishness.

Well, Wolfstu, if you’re still with us, :wink: you are now an official Doper, having been the subject of a Pit Flame Thread. You have “arrived”! Welcome to the Club! :smiley:

And NO, I don’t think you’re a fuckhead. I don’t have any problem with your resurrecting the “Evil” GD thread

because it was a serious topic (not just “what are these books?”) and because you had something to say. I will quibble a tiny quibble, though–it was confusing at first, because I saw BluePony and I thought, “Hey, all right, where’s he been, he hasn’t posted since last November!” but then I realized that the post date was February of 2000, and then I was sad 'cause he wasn’t back after all.


Dear Gentle Poster,

I was perusing the Straight Dope Message Board last evening, as is my wont, enjoying my usual menagerie of interesting topics, when I noticed a disconcerting trend - some of those threads I opened were quite old indeed! Some of the Original Posts dated back over a year and a half - one can only imagine how far down the list they’d fallen, or on to what page past the first of the forum. Certainly I was curious to know who was reviving topics which had seemingly fallen into disinterest after such a long period of time, so upon my further investigation I discovered the handiwork of a singular poster - namely, wolfstu.

Upon seeing that his (I am assuming the Gentle Poster is a “he,” and please correct me if I am mistaken) post count was quite low, it became obvious that he was a “newbie,” or someone as yet possibly unfamiliar with the ways of the strange rabble we collectively refer to as “the Dopers,” so one is inclined to enlighten said poster on certain possible alternatives that would be considered more apropos when dealing with old topics one wishes to revive.

In this particular instance, however, there seems to be some disagreement over what the proper course of action should be. Some believe it is perfectly acceptable to post to any open thread, regardless of age. Others believe it to be acceptable but only under certain circumstances, such as updating the situation of the Original Post or the Original Poster, adding newly updated information, or simply chiming in with the poster’s own point of view. Much of these two points of view are based on the thought that opening a new thread based on a topic of a thread that already exists almost always elicits a more experienced poster pointing the new thread’s Original Poster to the already-existing thread; to some, starting a new thread when one already exists on the same topic is considered quite the faux pas here at the Straight Dope, so reviving an older thread is the lesser of two evils (or, perhaps, not an evil at all). But there are others, such as myself, who believe sleeping dogs should, indeed, be left to lie. However, that does not excuse a poster from being lackadaisical - one should always do one’s research in unfamiliar territory before leaping into the foray. So, to me and those who agree with me, it seems most appropriate to start a new thread, but take pains to reference any already-existing threads via a simple hyperlink (instructions to do so are available by clicking on the vB code hyperlink at the beginning of each new post screen). This way both unpleasant alternatives are avoided, both dredging up long-forgotten threads, and being publicly chastized by those who prefer those threads be remembered if necessary. All can agree, however, that gratuitous, unnecessary revival of threads, done solely for the purpose of annoying or self-aggrandizing, are strictly frowned upon, and may very well bring chastisement from the Moderators and Administrators of the Straight Dope (something to be avoided at all costs). Being a new poster, it would seem you have a choice as to your actions, but it also seemed best you be made aware of all of your options, and the repercussions thereof. From a purely personal point of view (and, to quote the vernacular here on the Straight Dope, “YMMV,” meaning “Your Mileage May Vary”), I highly recommend new threads with links to existing threads - it would seem, in my humble opinion, to be the best all-around solution to please the most amount of people in the shortest amount of time.

I hope that wolfstu does not take this post in any other way than the way it is intended, which is simply to inform and educate about the ways of the Straight Dope; nothing more, nothing less.

Yours in amity,


P.S. I would like to take the opportunity to express my sincere regret at my choice of words in the Original Post of this thread. It was made both in haste and in annoyance, two frames of mind in which one should never be when posting, particularly to someone unaware of the potential inconvenience his actions may cause others. I hope, wolfstu, you can accept my sincere apology.

P.P.S. If a Moderator would be so kind as to lock this thread once wolfstu has had a chance to respond, I would be ever grateful. Thank you very kindly in advance.


For that last post I am proud of you! I may not be your queer friend but I consider you a friend none-the-less. You are a better human than many on this board and for that you deserve a pat on the back!


As someone who knows first-hand how much those words can stick in the throat, let me say . . .

Well done, ESPRIX. :slight_smile:


Others have made mention to your three threads in your sig. While they did it with a slight bit of sarcasm, I have a serious question for you. Suppose I wanted to ask a question about the gay lifestyle, about being gay, etc. What should I do?

I have three options available to me:

  1. Wade through the 24 pages of AAGG to find my answer.

  2. Open up a new thread and risk being yelled at for not seeing it was already answered in one of your earlier threads or being yelled at for not just posting it at the bottom of AAGG3.

  3. Post to AAGG3 and risk being yelled at for not seeing the answer earlier in one of the threads or for reviving a thread that has now been dead for 2 weeks and counting.

What is your solution here?

You put the links in your sig because you WANT people to read them and you want people to be informed and you want people to post a question. That’s admirable. But how can you put links to two threads that have been dead now for months and turn around and blame others for viewing long dead threads and posting to them? Isn’t that the purpose of your links?

Others have done it and rather enjoyed it, from what I gather.

The times this has happened the OP has usually said something along the lines of, “I don’t know if this has already been asked in the ATGG threads,” or “I don’t have the time to wade through all of them right now,” or something akin to that. If it’s a quickie question/answer, then it’s just answered - I don’t think anyone’s been slammed for this. If it was a long involved discussion, someone’s usually posted a link. Often they devolve into their own threads anyway. It was noted in the ATGG3 thread itself that there are some topics that warrant their own thread rather than just posting another question in the ATGG thread.

I believe the standard response has been, “We covered this {link}here{/link}, but to sum up…” No one’s been flamed for this in the ATGG threads AFAIK.

The ATGG threads are, I think, exceptions to one-topic threads because, by definition, they are supposed to be sources for many individual questions loosely related to one overall topic - people come and go as needed, and it doesn’t clutter up GD with quickie one-shot, simple-short answerable questions. And two weeks dead isn’t quite the same as two years dead.

The first two ATGG threads are locked, and were as soon as the next incarnation was opened - they cannot be revived, only reviewed.

The one thing I regret about ATGG3 was that I didn’t post a summarization of ATGG2 like I did in 2 for ATGG1 - I summarized the topics covered on each page and included a link so people could, indeed, quickly wade through an index of topics if they had a specific question, and follow up with a related question if necessary.

YMMV. (I think this should be my new .sig.)
