Someone better inform the CIA

that His Boinkiness William Jefferson CLINTON is no longer President of the US as they report here. It makes you wonder if the information they have about the other countries is about as reliable. I have this image of a coup backed by the CIA in Buckingham Palace and the “coupers” arguing with the queen: “you mean to say we got the wrong address and this isn’t Panama? … can you prove that?”

Then they have some Studies in Intelligence the next one programmed for the Fall of 2000. OOps, maybe they need some studies on getting up to date.

Oh, wait, there’s two guys with dark sunglasses at my door… gotta go :wink:

ah the joys of data lag
although they do say on their homepage

I think they’re about due for an upgrade though. Which I’m thinking should be in like august of something. I’ve read it before, well browsed, and think I recall that they might possibly be on the approximate time schedule of a pending upgrade in about August of thereabouts.

This might actually lead to a fun web game. Find a site with data so old they still think GB Sr. is pres. Or John Majors as PM. I’m sure they’re out there somewhere.

Probably not, Jinxie. By the time HTML and the WWW were developed (1993/1994), Clinton was already President. So you’re extremely unlikely to find any websites with data from the late 80s/early 90s on it.
