I was enjoying a vacation day from work this afternoon when I noticed a sheriff’s deputy walking up to the front door. This is a highly unusual occurrence for us, and we quickly went to talk to him. It seems he had a message for me from a police department in another state, asking me to call them as soon as possible. Which I did. And it turns out someone wants to kill me.
In 1988, (yes, 25 years ago), my cousin’s husband molested one of my daughters. We went to court and he ended up pleading “no contest.” Punishment was time served (about a week), probation, and having to register on the sex offenders list.
He lost his house due to legal fees, and lost his job at the post office for being a pervy creep. He ended up moving to a different state to live close to his parents and has been there ever since.
Apparently, he is currently hospitalized and is making “credible threats” regarding my life and that of his attorney. It also seems that he has done this several times over the last few years, but that it’s usually only the attorney that’s threatened; I’m a new addition. The hospital was required to report it to the police, police tracked me down, and here we are.
I don’t want to over-react, but I don’t want to under-react, either. I called back the sheriff’s department to ask them how a person should respond to this type of information. He called the out-of-state cop and called me back. The basic gist of it is: pervy creep is homeless, doesn’t have a job, and really doesn’t have the means to get to where I live. They can’t tell me to worry… but they can’t tell me not to worry. Local cop thinks getting personal firearms along with training and a carry permit is a good idea. But he also quite firmly stated that he believes it’s a good idea for every mentally capable citizen to do the same and be armed at all times.
Other pertinent info: pervy creep knows me by my name of 25 years ago, but I’ve had two different last names since then. I have also moved several states away from where all this originally happened and I’m not in touch with that side of the family anymore.
On the other hand, in the age of the internet, it’s not that hard to track someone down if you want to – especially if you’re family. He would know my maiden name, and the general area I live in now. Look up my father’s obituary, and you’d be in pretty good shape- public records would finish it up.
When one is desperate, and feels like their life is ruined, what measures would they take? Hitchhike to where the person lives that “did this to you”? Contact one of the siblings in the obit to get in touch with their “old high school friend” to find out my workplace? Go out with guns blazing, going postal-style?
(I only use that expression because if you were a postal worker in the mid to late 80’s, which he was, the post office shootings were deeply engrained in your psyche.)
I’m trying to process this information and assess the threat level, and in turn, determine proper steps to take to keep myself, my family, and my co-worker’s safe. But, to be honest, I’m not sure how to handle this. I’m still a little shocked about the whole thing. My first inclination was to laugh it off, but then I realize it was deemed credible enough for people to track me down and give me a head’s up.
Since this is the smartest group of people I know, I’d like to ask: from the outside looking in, what are your thoughts and opinions?
tl;dr: homeless broke pervy creep wants to kill me, how serious do you think this is?