Something just occured to me.

That subject is an understatement. Something just hit me like a ton of bricks. No, scratch that, A scyscraper just fell on me.

What if I knew about the SDMB when I was doing my degree!!?
I would have got a fucking 1st class fucking degree with honours!! instead of the basic pass with no honours I did get.

You see I had the programming skill to get a 1st class degree, but I didn’t have the will and patience to concentrate on all the stuff that goes with it, and all the research I had to do turned up (usually) ambigious obscure poorly-structured shite.

If I had this place back then to ask questions/discuss feelings/absorb advice I would have done far better!
Dopers still at school/college/university - consider yourselves damn lucky you discovered this place while you are still there!

I would have done worse, since I would have wasted a helluva lot more time here instead of doing my school work.

Me too. Thank goodness I went to college before the Web.


I registered on the SDMB on the day I received my college degree. I’m glad I waited to give myself an SDMB registration as my college graduation gift to myself – I would have spent all my time here instead of studying.

I’ll tell you what just occurred to me. I shouldn’t have drunk that entire damn 3 L bottle of Diet Coke in one marathon 4 hour SDMB surfing binge.

School and SDMB don’t mix.

The SDMB is a gateway drug… it led me to all sorts of other message boards… and then my time started disappearing in huge clumps… hours and hours, sometimes an entire day… and now I’m using too many ellipses…

And right now I should be doing my homework. Sighs