My gut feeling is that there is something not quite right about the info being given out on this event.
Summary: Eight people were killed and six others were injured early yesterday morning in southern Prince George’s County when a motorist unwittingly drove into a smoke-shrouded crowd of people gathered on a dark rural road to watch as two drivers roared off in an illegal street race, police said.
But, something’s not right here. The first pics of the Crown Vic, taken while it was still dark, show the car sitting there with the passenger-side doors open and those doors looking barely damaged. So…the doors were open-able. The driver walked away, and the victim went through the windshield into the front seat. There were, reportedly, no passengers in the back seat.
Subsequent pictures, taken after day broke, show the car, unoccupied, sitting there, but now the doors are …missing. Why take the doors off, if all the victims are already out? Isn’t this a major crime scene? Didn’t they just majorly tamper with evidence by removing parts of the car, at the scene? And why take the doors off anyway?
Another thing, even with the passenger-side door compeletely off, the entire backseat area is black as night, see the first pic in the photo gallery at the above link. The only explanation I can think of is that the back window and other door are so darkly tinted that no light gets through. Odd, the only white Crown Vics I’ve ever seen with super-dark tinting in the rear like that are…cop cars.
A final pic of the car, showing it up on a flatbed about to be towed away, shows that they took one of the removed doors and…shoved it through the windshield. :smack: WTF? (View pic #7 to see this). So now any evidence from the door may have been transferred to the windshield/dash. Again, huh?
And finally, the driver…who they refuse to say a word about, only that that person (they won’t even mention the driver’s gender) isn’t going to be charged. No name, no age, nothing about injuries, nothing AT ALL. They’ve named all the victims. If the driver is innocent, why all the secrecy about that person?
Anyone find all of this a little odd?