Sortin' thru that pile in the MMP

I don’t know how I missed your post, sari. A human can’t be as stressed as you’ve been for as long as you have without it taking a toll. Stress affects short-term memory, which is why people with test anxiety tend to do poorly on tests. Don’t you think this could be a signal your brain and body can’t handle the load for much longer? I’m worried about you.

Up, caffeinated, and off to heave.

I’ve had 2 beagles and a JRT mix(Gordie), and none of them could hunt anything if it was less than medium rare. :roll_eyes:




so some of the " hey im a cat" genes are finally kicking in? i remember you were worried

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN 'Tis 49 Amurrkin out and cloudy with a predicted high of 58 and rain off and on. We shall see. Tomorrow is supposed to be a day of rain/tstorms/apocalypse. Again, we shall see. Since it is supposed to be gloomy and ick today, we shall stick close to da cave. I think we may go to the bar just up the road from da cave for a sammich and beer at N.O.L. time. That would take care of the major need to feed today. Other than that the usual sloth and general overall uselessness shall prevail.

Sunny I hope hubs followed through at the doc’s re his depression. I have depression and the combo of medication plus a monthly therapy session has been great for me. It was a very hard thing for me to finally admit I needed help.

sari you’ve been under a lot of stress lately. That can cause one to be forgetful. Maybe talkin’ with your doc about it wouldn’t hurt. Hang in there. Glad the babies got to go hang with their posse at the park.

JtC GG has achieved mighty warrior/hunter status! OK, not really, but I bet he was proud of himself even if he didn’t really know what was goin’ on. Sounds like you’re makin’ headway on the grant. Go You!

Nellie always happy to report on our face stuffin’.

Lily beautiful haiku. I was moved.

flyboy that sounds like a most excellent meal!

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Sattidy Y’all!

I know this is going to jinx it, but I got thru the night without waking around 3!! Made it all the way till 5-ish! But I played some tablet games till around 6 when I finally started feeling guilty about Higgs not being able to go out on her own and pee, so I got up and let her out. I’m up now.

FCD’s aunt and uncle are leaving Indy today headed this way. She asked for directions, which I don’t understand because she has GPS. Last time they were here, one or both of us had to go rescue her when she got lost - we’ll see how it goes tomorrow.

Poor FCD is still feeling like crap. I may suggest that we shouldn’t go to the boat and he should chill today. Yeah, like he’ll listen to me. It’s a pretty bad cold - it has to be for him to complain about it. I’ve got some leftover chicken - I’m thinking it may become chicken soup.

Happy Saturday!!

You have NO idea what I would give, to have a potato chip in my greedy, carb-free hands! I’d even settle for those bright orange Cheetos. Just to show my carb-free, not-orange fingers who is boss! Damnit.
Woe is me.

Good day, folks.

It’s a cozy 29F, heading to a little bit less cool 37F. The weather-guessers are carrying on like a pack of jackasses, about some sort of ‘winter storm’ that is supposed to float over the area, sometime between now, and Monday. I don’t know. I can’t believe any of them, anymore. They plop their wad over a heavy frost, these days. Good grief. I don’t care. It’s Indiana. It’s winter. That should be how it works. Snow. Ice. WINTER. Meh.

I don’t have anything on the agenda, really. Just the usual. I SHOULD fold laundry, and get it put away, though. That should be the first, if not only, thing on my agenda. Period. Ugh. I detest laundry. It’s so…I don’t know. Always there? Yeah. That’s it.

I think that I’ll be cooking up some chicken tenderloins, later. Or not. I really don’t want any. I’d rather have some roasted cabbage, and other veggies, again. Good grief, that was SO good! I’m easy like that.

I need to call in my insulin Rx. I also need to do the internet magic, to let the doctor’s office know I need a refill on one of my pills. It’s SO nice, not having to actually go in, or even talk to anyone over the phone. That ‘patient portal’ thing ROCKS.

I’m expecting a bigass Chewy order today. The email they sent me, said it WILL be arriving today. Saturday. Plus, it’s supposed to be delivered here. Not in the next town over, with the same address. We’ll see. Also, I have a MightyNest package at the post office. I forgot what I ordered. It wasn’t much. I’m on their monthly subscription thing. It’ll be a surprise. :smile: I’m easy like that, too.

Have a good one!

Great haiku lily!

ace, if you’re wanting a salty snack that’s low carb, go for the pork rinds, just check the ingredients on the BBQ ones (the BBQ seasoning tends to have sugar).

It was 25F when I walked Nelson this morning. Brrrrrrrrrr! I hope that it gets up to the predicted mid forties before going to Zoolumination this evening.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

Good morning, everyone.

It is 31 degrees and dark outside. The expected high is 41 with rain showers, and even a spot of rain/snow mixed showers for the day. I was thinking of heading toward the Nisqually Refuge to walk the trails and look at the birds, but I think I’ll put that off for another day.

Baker, I’m sorry about your knee.

Sunny, I hope your husband gets the help he needs.

sari, I am not a doctor, but I agree with what many others have said here. You’ve been dealing with so much CRAP for such a long time. Your body and mind are saying, “Hey, time out!” Sending my best to you.

I have somehow injured and bruised the hell out of my elbow. I don’t know how I did it, but it’s been aching for three days now, and I can’t find a comfortable position. It aches even when my sleeve rubs up on it the wrong way. I haven’t fallen, and there is nothing for it to bump on by the bed. The bed sits higher than my nightstand, so it can’t be that. I don’t know how the hell I did this.

Nothing exciting is going on in my little corner of the PNW. I guess I’ll knock out some chores. Maybe I’ll run a couple of errands. We’ll see.

Morning all. Got caught up in solving puzzles last evening so got way behind on the MMP, will try to do better. Don’t have to referee indoor soccer until 6pm so might take the new camera to the library and try to figure it out (any camera with more the 3-4 buttons tends to confuse me). Outside of that nothing much on the agenda. Rain is due overnight (the rain has been nice this week, doing it’s thing while I sleep and staying dry during the daytime).

Sari, between family and puppies and work and Son and all the normal stresses we have day-to-day, wouldn’t surprise me if your having moments of depression (not a Doc, just a friend). Might want to see someone about it if things are not going to get less stressful.

Taters, might want to get it checked, elbows are tricky pieces of bone.

lily, love haiku’s and that was a good one.

FCM, how old are aunt and uncle (they have to be up there)? Maybe she’s as stubborn as FCD…hope the chicken soup helps.

JtC,congrats to GG for doing an actual 'cat-thing". And great work on the community center front. Be careful our you could become one of those “indispensable people”

BBBoo, good wishes for the knee; mine are still OK but I worry about them.

Sunny, best wishes for husband-unit getting the professional help he needs. Winter is the toughest season and hopefully things will improve his outlook.

Ok, need to break my fast and do some checking around the internets, so everybody take care.

Mornin, all!

I dropped my phone yesterday, for a really dumb reason. I had to take in my belt another notch, not cuz I’ve lost weight…I weigh myself every morning, and I’m always within about a 3 pound range. I think my belt stretched. Anyway, that seems to have put my pocket in a slightly different place, so I missed my pocket with the phone. Broken screen, the whole bit. But, I was clever and had gotten the insurance, which went surprisingly well. Repaired in about 2 hours from the breaking.

Read all, retained little, so my best to all.

I do eat those!

Morning, all! It’s gray and chilly here in (sometimes) lovely Northern Virginia, with an expected high of 45°F and an overnight temp of just below freezing. Rain is in the forecast for tomorrow, but I think today is just supposed to be cloudy.

I have a ticket to go hear Joey Alexander tonight, but even though the venue is one of my favorites for live music there’s a fair chance I’ll decide to stay home. I’m definitely not an introvert, but I also definitely need regular “home with no plans” time – and now that I’m going to my former colleague’s memorial service tomorrow afternoon, I’m less inclined to bother going out by myself this evening (and overpaying for food and parking). I’ll see how I feel later, though. I’ve had this ticket for a while.

One of my volunteer committees is meeting from 11am-1pm today. It’s a virtual meeting. It’ll be good to see/talk to everyone, but I get kind of Zoom-ed out during the week. My first executive committee meeting will be Tuesday evening, and I’m really glad that one will be in person…not just because it will be held at an Italian restaurant. :smiley:

I have always loved bananas, but until surgery I never bought them regularly. Now I eat either a banana or some apple slices every day – sometimes both, and sometimes more than one banana a day. The main reason why I go to the grocery store so often is that I’ve gotten used to having bananas in the house. :slight_smile:

How scary (for both of you). :people_hugging: I lost an old/good friend to suicide six years ago (and the former colleague whose memorial service I’m attending tomorrow killed himself shortly before Christmas): I have so much respect for the fact that your hubby was able to both recognize that he needs help and agree to pursue it. I’ll be keeping my fingers crossed over here.

Well-stated! :smiley:

It was. The bartender said the steaks are cooked with ‘chef’s butter’. He didn’t know what’s in it, but he said it’s mixed up and put into a tube for dispensing. I assume it’s butter, garlic, and salt. Whatever it is, it’s good. The Beach calls itself a ‘Five Star Dive Bar’. I think they only have steaks Fridays and Saturdays, and they don’t always have them. When they don’t have them, their burgers are excellent. :wink:

I ate all of my salad and all of my steak. The Spousal Unit did a good job on her salad (she picked out the onions), and ate all but two bites of her steak – which she gave to me.

Two steak dinners, four Manhattans, and a $15 tip came to $95.

Aunt is 79, Uncle is 80 and has Parkinson’s, so she has to do all the driving. Yeah, just a tad stubborn, she is. She’s MIL’s youngest sister.

We went to breakfast at the cafe in Leonardtown - they’ve gotten $$$, so we don’t go there every week like we used to. After getting back, I cleaned the basement fireplace and started a fire to warm it up. Daughter is bringing the kids to play down there. FCD has to take the incorrect death certs back to the funeral home - apparently the Dr is the one who screwed up. But we should get corrected certs in a couple-three days.

I need to empty the dishwasher and I may start some laundry. I pulled out a sack o’chicken broth that was in the freezer - it’s thawing, and I’ll add to it once it’s liquid. Chickie noodle soup, I think.

Mostly, I’m feeling lazy.

Home from heaving. I had my bacon, eggs, and banana for breakfast. Now it’s naptime while the laundry runs

Every day is banana day!

Something so simple jeez o Pete.

My folks Doctor neglected to sign their DNR paperwork and return it to the AL facility when they moved in. My sis is a nurse and personally attended to that detail and was told it was in place by the facility director.

So when my dad collapsed and later died we learned the EMT’s and later at the hosp they were performing resuscitation efforts on him because the DNR was actually not in place. Pisses me off thinking about it.

The 2-hour meeting wound up taking only 50 minutes! Woot! :tada:

I’m toying with asking my committee chair if he’d like me to become his official co-chair. I sort of already am: I do all of our administrative stuff, except the meeting agendas and anything having to do with the executive committee – but, the latter is changing now that I’m also on the excomm. I get the feeling my chair might appreciate having even less admin stuff to deal with, and we could split it up so that he just focuses on working cases and advising the other members. He’s better-suited to that part of it, and I don’t think it would mean much more work than I’m doing now. I’m not sure if I really want to make that offer, though…maybe I’ll see how Tuesday evening’s excomm planning meeting goes (which he won’t be at; I’ll be speaking/briefing on behalf of our committee).

Time to relocate to the living room. :slight_smile: Lunch needs to be eaten (I’m thinking Naanwich…and a banana), and I’m looking forward to reading for a while. I’m still making my way through Louise Penny’s Chief Inspector Gamache series, and am currently on book #16 of 18. I’ve paused my reading of the series a few times for other books, but I’m amazed by how compelling Penny’s writing and characters continue to be to me. The most recent book was released less than two months ago, and I can’t imagine not getting caught up before there’s another one: I have a feeling I’ll be a little sad when I finish it and don’t immediately have a new one to start. I don’t think I’ve felt this way about a series since Jim Butcher and The Dresden Files.

That’s very appealing! :banana: :grin:

Small eggs are small.

I made myself a ham & cheese omelette for breakfast. It took four small eggs instead of two jumbo eggs.

I don’t actually know how to make French toast, but I made some for The Spousal Unit. The four, thick slices of slightly-stale baguette covered her dinner plate. She had to put her bacon on top. The egg mixture was four small eggs (it took all of them), some 30% heavy cream, two teaspoons of sugar, a teaspoon of cinnamon, a teaspoon of vanilla extract, and some freshly-ground nutmeg. (I keep a small jar of nutmegs in the cupboard. Much better than ground nutmeg from the spice section.) My efforts were pronounced good, though she could only eat three of them.

Howdy Y’all! We went to the little bar down the road for burgers 'n beer. I usually get their chikin sammich but today I got the bacon cheeseburger and fries. SOOOOOO GOOD! Then we came home and achieved nappage. Thus it has been in swampland today. 'Tis also rainy and dreary out. I can’t believe we got out in the rain, but it’s only a mile down the road, so we survived.