Sortin' thru that pile in the MMP

Just before starting my usual morning surf, I took all the piled papers that have accumulated on and around my desk and dumped them on the dining room table. Once I’ve finished the requisite reading, I’ll tend to that long-neglected pile o’stuff. Shame on me for letting it go so long!

Have you a stack or a box or a closet or the back seat of your car that needs attention? You can 'fess up here and make a public declaration to force yourself to address the situation.

Or not. I’m not the boss of you. Whatever.

Happy Moanday!


Second! Juvenile AND tardy … that’s me!

Just in case anyone needs it - The De-Clutter and Clean-Up Support Thread. It’s been around awhile, but not always terribly active.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 29 Amurrkin out and cloudy with a predicted high of 64 and N.O.S. for the day. Not much shakin’ on the agenda today. We shall therefore sloth about as is our wont. We will head over to the church house a little early to do the prep stuff for men’s night.

We’ve gotten pretty good at keepin’ ahead of paperirk stuff. Durin’ my irkin’ days, papers did tend to pile up on the kitchen table until I forced myself to sit down and go through it all. Now we tend to deal with stuff as it comes in even when we don’t want to do so. I do tend to let some email “pile up” and then spend an hour or so goin’ through it all.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Moanday Y’all!

Amazingly, I’m done!

To be frank, the main goal was to find the folder that has our wills and assorted POAs. It wasn’t where I thought it was last night, and a bit of panic set in. Then this morning as I was toting the assorted piles to the table, a big ol’ DUH hit me upside the head. The folder is now where it should be, and a LOT of crap has been tossed. I also got our tax stuff together - various documents were buried among the crap.

Now I can see how dusty my desk is. :open_mouth:

And it’s not even 8 AM!!! Go me! :wink:

Mornin’, all. Up and about to head to the shop. Not sure what the day holds. Maybe some CNC?

Have a good week, y’all!

Let us know if you find any classified documents in there.


I can honestly say I never brought any classified documents home back when I used to work with them. That was a great thing about that job - when you left the office, you left it all! I wasn’t even allowed to talk about work at home.

Afternoon, mumpers! It’s 3c/37f with no predicted change today, and partly cloudy. Weather app says “This is the perfect day to stay inside and stare at the fucking wall”.

I agree with that, I had a horrible journey to work this morning, it’s cold and grim here, and we have far too many people either off sick or taking time out to care for relatives.

Documents…I have very few things that need to be kept. I used to keep the most recent statements from my insurance plans and pensions but now I just keep the policy docs and an address for the companies concerned. I get very little in the mail that needs to be filed away and it’s all in the same drawer so it’s easy to find. I dislike clutter so I am quite ruthless with it. 'im indoors is the complete opposite. He’s a packrat and keeps all sorts of things that I can’t find a reason for. When we cleared my mum’s flat after her death, he asked to have the two lockable document boxes she’d used…they are in the living room but they show absolutely no signs of having anything put in them yet!

Agreed. There are real advantages to classified work, especially that it’s illegal to “bring it home with you”. And in most cases my boss(es) didn’t have the clearance and couldn’t even enter my workplace. Also, I had to rate myself at review time, since they had no idea what I was doing. How cool was that?

But, some of it rubs off on you, and we have unusually tight “security” at our house (for average suburbanites, anyway). As part of that, we shred almost everything rather than toss it. And that pile has grown way too large over the past few months, because my wife retired. She had an industrial grade shredder in her office, and most of our household mail/docs went there. Now we’re limited to our smaller one at home and I’m getting way behind.

Good morning everyone. 62F here and either it will rain a lot or not at all (depending on which weather site I look at). Either way it’s supposed to be warm today.

I finally tested negative for plague, so I can rejoin humanity again (I guess). I’m still coughing and sick though, so I’ll wait a bit longer.

The truck wreck saga is winding to a close, and I’ve taken all the keys/manuals/etc. to the truck’s carcass on the shop’s back lot, and done a final check to be sure nothing of mine is still inside. We’re awaiting the insurance company to declare a final value and pay us for it. I assume they’ll want the title at some point (we own it outright) but they haven’t said where to send it. After that I’ll start haunting the lots and websites to decide whether to buy an existing truck or order one. Obviously depends on how close I can match my requirements on the lot(s). I got my license plates from it, and am trying to remember what else I need to do to close this out. Other than filling out the “it ain’t mine no more” form on the state DMV website, I can’t think of anything.

Still weak from Covid, so I’m not accomplishing much besides Netflix. But I did start one small project.
I decided I wanted a toolbox in the bed of the new truck, and began resurrecting an old abandoned one from behind my shed. It’s 22 years old, and has spent 12 years in the dirt and rain. But after drilling out a bunch of riveted attachments (it used to be a generator enclosure) and removing the ventilation fan, it’s cleaning up real well. I replaced the gas shocks so the lid would stay up, and am finishing the final cleanup today. New ones run around 6-700 bucks, so fixing this one for $60 in parts counts as a win.

Same here. After reading, it went right back in the safe or to the secretary to file. Most of the crap I saw was at the confidential or secret level and pretty mundane. Actually, even the TS stuff I saw was mundane. Need to know, doncha know.

Yeah - at one point I wondered why the info was classified, and it was pointed out that should the bad guys find out we had that info, they’d have a pretty good idea of who gave it to us. Gotta protect the sources, right?

I’m showered and dressed. I verified that MIL does not have a dental appt on Weds. I made an appt for me to get my eyes checked. Next is a bit of tidying in the kitchen, then down to the basement to clean the fireplace and lay in the wood for a fire when the grands arrive. And I need to find a cornbread recipe - I’ve decided I’ll make some from scratch for supper.

Short heave, but slightly longer than last Monday. And in the fallout pile, BBs, random potatoes, and [Joan Crawford]WIRE HANGERS[/Joan Crawford].
Nap time!

Nope, my paperwork and keepable emails are in folders, my spice are alphabetized, and my clothes are hung on color coded hangers.

In this economy?
But glad the truck and the plague are at the begining of the ned.

My dining table is my desk and every so often it gets cluttered and I get overwhelmed. Can one be whelmed??? Anyhoo when it gets like that I put all the papers into a shopping bag. Eventually nothing in that bag is important so I dump it. Bills to be paid have their own space.

Nettie I glad to hear one of the kittehs got adopted.

That, my dear, is unnatural!!

Morning all. Woke up to a phone call, the termite folks from Cook’s had an 8am appointment that I almost slept through, so I got up and bade them entry, they are gone now and I am starting late…this sleep thing is nice…

Like I noted in last week’s MMP, I keep all my papers in a small container for the year, tabbed and sorted, then put them in the big cabinets (got 4 of them, records for the last 20-25 years). Doesn’t mean I don’t have loose papers around, just not all piled in the same place. Plus like yanker, I have a home shredder to get rid of most junk stuff that comes addressed to me. Never made it past “Secret” clearance and never was ever tempted to take anything home…most of it was pretty boring.

yanker, glad for the negative test, keep on getting better. And also glad the truck saga is drawing near a conclusion, happy the old toolbox is being resurrected.

OK, need to make myself presentable for the public, and do my shoppin’-n-sammich run. All y’all take care.

My motto is ‘If it’s worth doing, it’s worth over-doing.’ My wife? Not so much. She likes to take shortcuts and do things the easiest way possible.

A couple/few years ago she bought a little rustic wine rack. It holds four bottles of wine (she puts empty bottles she thinks are pretty there), four classes (inverted), and has a little shelf on top. She mounted it by pounding a couple of nails into the wall – one into a stud, and the other just in the drywall – and hanging the rack on them. I’ve never been pleased with it, but I’ve learned to keep my mouth shut. Friday, I thought I noticed the nail in the drywall looked a little droopy, but I didn’t say anything. Saturday, she noticed it too and took all of the stuff off/out of it. After she painted some chips in the wall yesterday, I re-hung the rack… using a stud finder and a couple of 3-inch screws into the studs.

Mornin’ everyone.

It’s currently 41 degrees with an expected high of 49 or 50 and cloudy skies.

I never made it past secret clearance either, and I never took home any documents.

Later, I dealt with lots of HIPAA information, and I never took any of that stuff home.

I have let some shredding pile up and have been working on it. I shred almost everything except ads and coupons. I recently discovered that I have a big bag of shred stuff in the garage. It’s going to take a while to get through that, damn it. I put it out there when my last shredder died and forgot about it. I ran across it the other day while looking for something else.

I keep most of my files electronically but hang on to the most recent billing or insurance statements for addresses, etc. Every once in a great while creditor addresses or phone numbers change. Or, like in the case of my homeowners and auto insurance, another company took over my former company. I wasn’t thrilled about that at all.

I have nothing on the agenda but my usual “Sunday” laundry. I am hopeful my husband will feel better today. His coughing was horrendous yesterday, but he took some Nyquil before going to bed last night and I haven’t heard any coughing.

I was up at 3:30 but went back to bed 30 minutes later and slept until about 6:30. I would have slept longer, but Polar was already overdue for his meds, so I had to get up.

Well, I should get that kitchen tidied up. I hope you all have a terrific day.

It would take me a week and a dumpster to go through all the papers at my house.

Sorry I’ve been so scarce. Irk has been especially irksome, with a situation going on that threatens my job security. On top of that I’ve had the crud… hope you guys have been doing good I’ll try to check in some more this week, on the other hand my Bengals are still in the Super Bowl running, so there’s that… Happy Moanday all!