Sortin' thru that pile in the MMP

Yeah, bar food is good. Especially when they have steaks and Manhattans. :wink: (We go too early for the live music.) It seems like bars often have the best burgers. If only more places had avocados…

I planned to take a long walk today, but it’s chilly, and the rain turned to snow. Now it’s back to rain again. When did I turn into such a wimp? Seriously, this is balmy compared to all those Rocky Mountain winters. Old Flame called earlier, which made me late starting out, and then a couple of friends were texting me. I should head to the gym.

In case you missed it, Buzz Aldrin got married today. It’s his 93rd birthday. :slight_smile:

Also, we’ve lost a lot of beloved pets here on the MMP lately, so I thought this story might be particularly welcome:

23-year-old chihuahua named Spike is world’s oldest living dog: Guinness World Records.

If the 1:7 ratio of dog years: human years were accurate, he’d be 161. Using the American Veterinary Medical Association formula, he’d still be 129! And he goes for little walks everyday and takes an interest in life. The fact he was rescued after being abused makes it even more amazing. Go, Spike, go!

Up from naptime. Having a Sazarac and watching hockey.

And would like you to get off his lawn. :smiley:

Thanks a bunch! :banana: :banana: :banana:

Fine, but then I have to TP his doghouse.

Lucky you. I’d like a Vieux Carré; but I can’t be arsed to make one, so I’m just having some Yellow Tail cab.

We’re having Thai food tonight. Goo seems to like rice. At least a little.

I went out tonight! Go, me! :wink: I was on the fence most of the day and would have bet against it, but shortly after 5pm I suddenly decided to go.

My ticket was for the 7pm set: I left the house at 6pm, and pulled into my driveway at 8:35pm. I left the club just as the last song was starting, because the place was sold out and I wanted to beat the crowd. The food and parking were overpriced, as I knew they would be, but I’m glad I went. I’m a steak-and-potatoes kinda gal, and was happy to have steak and potatoes for dinner.

So now it’s only 9pm and I’m already back in my jammies and on the couch with my doggy…and some dessert that I got to go. :smiley:

This exchange could be a slippery slope… :banana:

Sounds like you had one of the arms of the company that I work for to fix your phone VanGo.

Went to Zoolumination tonight. It was really pretty. Beforehand, we went to my favorite Lao - Thai place and after, stopped for coffee and a sweet at a Mexican bakery. A good time was had by all.

See y’all tomorrow.

I Tai-chi’d hard today and I’m just not used to working anymore. I think I even sweated a little. We had cheeseburger patties and steamed broccoli and now I feel very healthy and virtuous. I’ll be really happy when we can move outside to the park, there are only three windows in the meeting room and I’m kinda nervous being in a room full of people doing deep breathing.

GG thinks his fuzzy balls aren’t any fun anymore, they need legs. He spent most of his day in the catio, probably hoping for another moving fuzzy ball to come and play.

Our floors are a mess. Our housekeeper went on a two-week cruise and came home with Covid, which turned into pneumonia so she hasn’t been over for almost two months. I’m sorry she is sick and despite knowing that she hasn’t gotten boosted, I won’t ever say “I told you so” to her.

This is becoming an issue, we need someone to come in and deal with the dusting and bathrooms because both of us are far too lazy and spoiled to do it. The only way we can think of to get someone in on a temporary basis is to post on Nextdoor. We can’t do that out of loyalty to our often-recommended -to-others housekeeper, so we are kinda stuck.

Uch. We paid our cleaner not to come over in the first months of the pandemic. She then insisted on coming, volunteering to wear a mask. Then we caught her cleaning unmasked, and that was the last time we had someone in to clean, 30 months ago. We aren’t as good at it.

Evening all. Refereed soccer games from 6-8pm and came home to Fettuchini for dinner, so all is well. Raining outside now with heavier rain expected over the evening, so glad I’m inside. Did make it too the library and got my camera working, at least to the point and click level, still haven’t figured out all the buttons on it, but I’ll have time to do so. But other than replacing a clock battery and changing the air filter, been mostly slothful this afternoon.

JtC, hope the floors hang in there; I’ve considered getting housekeeping help this year as my 2023 gift to myself (the gym membership was my 2022 self-present) but so far just to lazy to go looking for it.

Oopsie, glad you had a good night out; sounds like it was fun. You earned it.

nellie, that is an old pupper, so go Spike!! And a day off from the gym never hurt no one… :smile:

FCM, apparently stubbornness runs deep in the FCD family.

swampy, burgers and beer sounds so good, after a full week of Diet sodas…we’ll see about tomorrow.

VanGo, I worry about my new phone, even if I don’t use it all that often, I think I have the insurance too but need to check. Glad they had it up and functioning so quickly.

OK, need to do a little catching up then off to bed. Catch y’all tomorrow.

We paid Pam to not come over during those times as well. It just seemed to be the right thing to do. Pam isn’t anti-vax, but like you, she has to have her shots in her thighs which is a bother and she bruises really badly and her leg gets really sore for a few days. I know that she wasn’t boosted because she mentioned the cruise lines not requiring it.

We didn’t have a housekeeper until hubs retired. “We” did it all ourselves, which really meant I did everything but take the trash out. I was still working full time when he retired, which is when I refused to do it anymore.

That was when Pam came into our lives and she does such a better job than I ever did because she does the big things on a schedule so they never start looking bad enough for me to notice (which is when I would do them in the past).

I’ve been running the swiffer thingy around when they start to annoy me, but they really need someone to push the buffer around and that someone just isn’t gonna be me.

I feel that our housekeeper is worth every penny we pay her. She has been cleaning for us long enough that she has a “schedule” for the big things. she cleans the 5 ceiling fans one week and then does the windows the next. The dusting is always under control and the floors are always shiny.

Well, if we were closer, I’d say come on by, and I’d make us a couple.

Yeah, it would be hard to stem the tide of banana puns. :banana:

you know i know im not the bests person in the world but why does life hand me a crap sandwich at least once a week ?

I dont know if anyone here besides me knows what a Nintendo switch is but its a videogame system that can be hooked up to an tv it also has a screen that you can unhook from the main unit and use like a tablet or hook the controllers on the side and play it as a portable system …well aunt just noticed that the screen is gone …and no ones used it in a while …So either some disreputable people that showed up here a week or so ago took it or I picked it up when cleaning and misplaced it …it was my youngest nephews Xmas present a couple of years ago … so aunt’s upset…

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 52 Amurrkin out and rainy with a predicted high of 67 with rain all day. TWPTB are not goin’ on about tstorms and apocalypse, so there’s that at least. The big item on today’s agenda is deheathenization where I have slackolyte duty (that’s me as an acolyte) due to the fact that none of the usual acolytes were available for this week. After that we shall return to da cave for a sammich N.O.L. and sloth. 'Twill be a good afternoon to stay inside and dry.

We love our housekeeper. Matter of fact she will be here to clean tomorrow. Her name is Pam. MetalMouse I highly recommend doin’ this. We are more than happy to pay someone to clean da cave.

VanGo sorry about the phone but yay on gettin’ it fixed so quick.

Oopsie glad you decided to go out and that you had a good time.

red glad Zoolumination was a good time had by all.

shades hope the screen turns up. Also hope aunt realizes that if it’s missin’, then the disreputable people took it.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then purtification for deheathenization must commence.

Happy Sunday Y’all!

If you look up stubborn in the dictionary, you’ll see a group photo of them… :rofl:

We’ve had house cleaners on and off in the past, but I have no desire to have anyone again. They’ve all done the easy stuff that I can do, not the things that need doing that are hardest on me - like moving furniture to vacuum or significant scrubbing in the bathrooms. I’m pretty good about keeping up with clutter and sucking up the cat hair, and when we’re expecting company or I just can’t stand it any longer, I’ll even < gasp > dust! I don’t like to do this stuff, but it doesn’t take much time or effort and I’m too cheap to pay someone else to do it.

Aunt and Uncle stopped in Washington, PA for the night. According to Google Maps, that puts them about 5 hours away from here, more or less, and they should be well clear of the mountains (yeah, I know they’re little ones, but it’s all we’ve got) before the precip moves in. They’re going to be staying with MIL, sleeping on an air mattress - I do so hate air mattresses - they always make me sweat!

Anyway, not sure how long they’ll stay, but we’re hoping MIL goes back to Indy with them so she can visit with her assorted nieces and nephews - at least the ones who are still part of the family (as opposed to the scummy ones who pretty much robbed their mother after their father died.) Then FCD will drive out there to pick her up and bring her home. We think the change of scenery will do her good - she spends a lot of time just sitting in the apartment staring at FIL’s recliner. We will continue to hope that an apartment opens in the senior complex so she can make friends. The place they live now is a much younger community.

My exciting plans for the day include laundry, cleaning the critter fountain, and maybe making a trash/recycling run since I didn’t do it Firday or Sat. It needs to get done - I should probably attend to it early and be thru with it. FCD has been watching the playoffs - he’s a Dallas fan, so that’s the game he’s waiting for. I tolerate the games because at least it’s not a Law & Order marathon! :stuck_out_tongue:

And so it begins. Happy Sunday!!

ETA: this

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled. It’s raiining, of course.
Since I’m off today, does that mean I’m de-heavin-ated?
thanks, I’ll be here all week. Try the waitstaff, and tip the veal.

Rat has a point.

That would be my guess.

Well, I’m up. Paper rescued from the light rain and pill taken, so the basic early rising stuff is done. Will have Sunday dinner in a few hours and then watch tackleball, and that’s pretty much the plan for the day. Should go to the gym, but FCM’s cartoon above is encouraging me to skip it today.

shady, sorry the Switch is apparently gone–hope it is just misplaced and you find it soon.

Thanks for the housekeeper thoughts all. Mostly it is to mop/clean the tile and wood floors, I’m capable of running a vacuum and cleaning the bathrooms, just don’t like mopping very much.

OK, onward into the morning. Everyone have a good Sunday now.

Good morning, folks.

We have a crisp 30F, getting up to around 37F, later. We did get a little snow, but, it’s not a whole lot. It’s still lightly snowing. It’ll be gone soon, as according to the radar, it’s almost past us. The weather-guessers are still toutin’ the ‘big snow’, that is scheduled for Wednesday. We’ll see. We really can’t even buy snow around these parts, anymore. So, any snow, of any measureable amount, will be a sight for sore eyes. Seriously. It’ll probably go away, and not happen at all. It’s sure good for the grocery industry, though! The stores are all over that crap! :grin: I don’t know why people fret so much. It’s not like we’re all part of the Donner Party. We have folks that’ll clear off the highways/roads in due time. We’re not going to starve to death, or run out of toilet paper, before that happens.

I’ve made the executive decision to stay home, this morning. We’re not going out for brekkie. Screw that. I’m having a mood. I’m just gonna stay at home, drink coffee, and go back to bed. Anything that needs done around here, can wait. A housecleaner would be nice. But, with the ancient hovel I live in, it’s just not worth it.

I need to do something with those chicken tenderloins. Probably yank out that nastyass tendon thing, and saute them. I did end up making my roasted veggies, yesterday. Geez, that stuff is good!

Have a good day, everyone.

Happy Sunday!

Up, caffeinating, breakfasted, chicken veggie soup in the crock and fixing to do breakfast / lunch prep before KP. It was drizzling when I walked Nelson this morning, so no dog park time for us.

I do need to get out and go to Walgreens though. I have a crown that shifted and has given me pain for a day or so, so I need some Orajel rinse to use until I get to the dentist. Fortunately, it feels better today than yesterday, so it may have shifted back into place.

Stay safe and healthy y’all!

Good morning, everyone.

It’s currently 39 degrees with an expected high of 45 and cloudy skies.

I did see snowfall yesterday, but there wasn’t any accumulation.

I didn’t do much of anything but a little tidying yesterday, but today is laundry and roll-suck day. Someone upthread asked how often one changes sheets. I wash mine every week, but there have been a few times when it’s slipped to two weeks.

I don’t have a housecleaner; well, I do; it’s me. I would clean the house before the cleaner arrived, so what is the point? I may indulge in one at some point, but not now.

I indulged myself and slept in until 5:30 this morning. I probably would have slept longer, but nature was calling.

Time for some more coffee, and then I need to sort the mess the husband left in the kitchen.

I hope you all have a good day.