So far the pieces are starting to fit together, Kenny/Mysterion recognizes Ry’Leh, it’s definitely looking like Kenny may have some Old One chromosomes…
Heh, nice fake-out Matt and Trey, making us think we’re going to find out the source of Kenny’s power, instead we find out he’s not the only one with superpowers…
I liked that they found a way to reconcile the seeming contradiction with Kenny having formerly been shown being reborn after every death.
“I’m tired, I’m going back to bed!” <BANG!>
heh, Kenny using his powers in thoroughly mundane ways
Is this going to be M&T’s new way of teasing their audience, keeping us guessing how Kenny got his powers?
I loved the reference to that classic Warner Bros. cartoon, “Feed the Kitty,” with Marc Anthony the bulldog and the little kitten that he falls in love with. It’s another tribute to Chuck Jones like in “Osama bin Laden Has Farty Pants.”
I wonder if we’ve seen the last of Mintberry Crunch?
I thought they implied he was an old one reborn each time because his parents were members of that cult.
If so, then killing himself should permanently kill him.
Weren’t they referring to the company as “DP” in the first episode? I could swear it changed to “BP” at some point…
It was originally BP. But it was changed after the second spill because they’d double-fucked the world.
I felt they mostly explained it, short of giving an actual description of the ritual. His parents said they are pretty much drunk the whole time, so they probably took part in something.
They did make it self contradictory, where they led us to believe his death led him to a sort of different timeline where he never died and everyoen forgot, then showed him getting reborn, implying that he had actually died, but then doesn’t explain what happens to his dead body or how people forget and his parents are somehow aware of all his rebirths as well. But I take that as basically an admission that it isn’t supposed to make sense, and they just wanted to give a shout out to the other explanation since longtime fans would remember.
Anyway, I liked it, the fake out with Mintberry Crunch was pretty awesome. I was kind of disappointed that Captain Hindsight didn’t get any mention at all, as I was expecting his hindsight after taking away his hindsight powers would imply he’d redo it. I was also slightly disappointed that General Disarray never made an appearance either. But definitely Kenny’s mundane usage of his power was hilarious.
I think this was the best South Park episode ever. Had humor, action, cleverness, pathos, twists, mean Cartman. Super stuff.
But one thing i didn’t get.
Who was it that the reporter compared Cartman to that pissed him off so much?
Comparable with the Imagination Land three parter. Damn, when the South Park guys get rolling, they are awesome.
Bruce Vilanch Google Images Link
I can’t remember the name…Brian Valance? Or something?
He’s a comedian, and very large, so he basically thought a ten-year-old boy was a fat, middle-aged comedian. And a comedian that Cartman wouldn’t like, for sure.
Edit: Beaten, but I was close on the name.
I loved it too. It was perfect.
I hope so, he is just Butters really but Butters already has an alter-ego so they game us a different Butters. Even his name was similar.
This was a fun 3 part run. I suspect the DVD will be available soon. I think I bought Imaginationland for $5.
WTF?! Butters can’t pack the bowl with flavor!
No, Butters is Professor Chaos. Bradley is Mintberry Crunch. (I wonder what a cereal like “Mintberry Crunch” would actually taste like?)
Like mint and berry with a tasty crunch…
Question–what was the Lebron James thing about? I found a youtube vid of Lebron James being all, “What should I do?” but why? Did he do something wrong? Did he pull a Kobe or was it just some random video?