Special Feud: St. Paddy's Day (March 17) by astorian [Game Over]



Object of the game: Try to think of the most popular answer, to get the most people matching you. Google is allowed, if you desire. Only answers that are “serious” will be scored. Joke answers will not be considered, as it is not fair to other players. Also, don’t try to score a zero, even with “serious” answers.

New formatting rules:

If they are not followed, your entire post will be DISQUALIFIED.

  1. answer
  2. answer
  3. answer
  4. answer

Make your list look like the one above. No double spacing. No periods (except for the one following the number.) No quote marks, no punctuation if it is not necessary! No smilies! No extraneous bullshit is allowed. If you feel you must qualify your answer, do it AFTER THE LIST!

The reason this is so important is because I cut and paste all the answers, and I have to edit each answer to make them identical. It is a lot of work, so please make it easier on me. Thanks.

Scoring - Any answer duplicated by anyone else is worth 100 points divided by the number of entrants. For example: 50 entrant game = 2 pts per answer. If 4 people match that means they each get 8 pts for that answer. No matches = 0 points.

If any of you have ideas for Feuds -and would like me to score them- PM me and I’ll get you on The List.

The game will end either when we have 50 entrants, or at 3:30 PM Central on Wednesday, 03/18/09 whichever comes first.
Good luck!

I’m letting this run for two days because I’m off work and life keeps getting in the way of my Feuds!

  1. Name one of the 32 counties of Ireland
  2. Besides U2, name a band or singer from Ireland.
  3. Name a movie set in Ireland.
  4. Name an American politician of Irish descent.
  5. Name an important event in the history of Ireland.
  6. Name a major tourist attraction in Ireland.
  7. Besides Guinness, name an Irish brand of beer or liquor.
  8. Name a food you’d expect to see served at an Irish-themed pub.
  9. Name a common Irish last name that has become a popular first name for American girls.
  10. Name an instrument associated with Irish music.
  1. Dublin
  2. Van Morrison
  3. The Quiet Man
  4. Ted Kennedy
  5. Bloody Sunday
  6. Blarney stone
  7. O’Douls
  8. potato pancake
  9. Kennedy
  10. guitar
  1. Mayo
  2. Van Morrison
  3. The Quiet Man
  4. John F. Kennedy
  5. Bloody Sunday
  6. The Blarney Stone
  7. Harp
  8. Boxty
  9. Shannon
  10. Fiddle
  1. Cork
  2. The Corrs
  3. The Committments
  4. Ted Kennedy
  5. Potato famine
  6. Blarney Castle
  7. Bushmills
  8. Shepherd’s pie
  9. Fiddle
  1. Dublin
  2. Celtic Frost
  3. Far and Away
  4. JFK
  5. Great Potato Famine
  6. Blarney Stone
  7. Bushmills
  8. Corned Beef
  9. Kerry
  10. fiddle
  1. Cork
  2. Sinead O’Connor
  3. Darby O’Gill and the Little People
  4. Ted Kennedy
  5. Potato famine
  6. Blarney Stone
  7. Harp
  8. Boxty
  9. Shannon
  10. Fiddle
  1. Cork
  2. The Wolfe Tones
  3. Far and Away
  4. John F. Kennedy
  5. The potato famine
  6. the Blarney Stone
  7. Baileys
  8. fish and chips
  9. Kelly
    10 harp
  1. Cork
  2. Ian Clancy
  3. Quiet man
  4. Kennedy
  5. Famine
  6. Blarney stone
  7. Harp
  8. Corned beef @ cabbage
  9. Shannon
  10. fiddle
  1. Cork
  2. Enya
  3. Darby O’Gill and the Little People
  4. Barack Obama
  5. The potato famine
  6. The blarney stone
  7. Harp
  8. Stew
  9. Kelly
  10. Tin whistle
    1: With my luck Mayo will win.
    3: So help me, it’s the only thing I could think of. Hopefully it’ll be the only thing others think of, too.
    4: Kerry or Kennedy would have been the safe bet, but enough has been made of Obama’s Irish ancestry that it might be in the public consciousness.
    10: Could also be harp or fiddle, but those aren’t really distinctive of Irish music. Could be the bodhran, which is distinctive, but I doubt most folks will think of it. And most people think of bagpipes as more Scottish.
  1. Cork
  2. Van Morrison
  3. The Quiet Man
  4. JFK
  5. Potato famine
  6. Blarney Stone
  7. Harp
  8. Corned beef
  9. Shannon
  10. Fiddle
  1. Cork
  2. Van Morrison
  3. The Quiet Man
  4. John F. Kennedy
  5. The Easter Rising
  6. Blarney Stone
  7. Jamesons
  8. Fish and Chips
  9. Kelly
  10. Fiddle
  1. Kerry
  2. Sinéad O’Connor
  3. The Quiet Man
  4. John Fitzgerald Kennedy
  5. Potato famine
  6. Blarney Stone
  7. Jameson Irish Whiskey
  8. Corned beef
  9. Kelly
  10. Fiddle
  1. Cork
  2. Van Morrison
  3. The Quiet Man
  4. John F. Kennedy
  5. Potato Famine
  6. Blarney Stone
  7. Harp
  8. Corned beef and cabbage
  9. Shannon
  10. Fiddle

4. Honorable Mention: Barack O’Bama

  1. County Cork
  2. Gaelic Storm
  3. Waking Ned Devine
  4. Ted Kennedy
  5. Potato famine
  6. Isle of Man
  7. Harp
  8. Fish and chips
  9. Murphy
  10. Fiddle
  1. Derry
  2. Sinead O’Connor
  3. Michael Collins
  4. JFK
  5. Independence from UK
  6. Guinnes Factory Tour
  7. Jameson
  8. Irish stew
  9. Connor
  10. Bagpipe
  1. Cork
  2. Van Morrison
  3. The Quiet Man
  4. John F. Kennedy
  5. Potato famine
  6. Blarney Stone
  7. Jamesons
  8. Corned beef & cabbage
  9. Kelly
  10. Bodhran
  11. Where my family is from.
  12. The Man!
  13. Must actually watch this some day.
  14. Or “Kayleigh.”
  15. Gonna get killed on this one.
  1. Cork

  2. The Cranberries

  3. The Commitments

  4. JFK

  5. Independence (of Eire), 1923ish

  6. The Blarney Stone

  7. Harp

  8. Boiled cabbage

  9. Kelly

  10. Uilleann pipes

  11. Here, of all places, I can’t believe only El Kabong and I thought of this.

Note to Dolores: Boxty is a traditional potato pancake.

If you mean John Kerry, you may be interested in this discussion of his ancestry.

  1. Cork
  2. Sinead O’Connor
  3. Angela’s Ashes
  4. Edward Kennedy
  5. potato famine
  6. Blarney Stone
  7. Harp
  8. shepherd’s pie
  9. Kelly
  10. tin whistle
  1. Cork
  2. Van Morrison
  3. Michael Collins
  4. John F Kennedy
  5. The Great Famine
  6. Blarney Stone
  7. Baileys
  8. Irish stew
  9. Bailey
  10. Fiddle