Special thanks to Darwin's Finch, Colibri & Blake. Also, I got in!

I recently found out that I was admitted to one of the two graduate schools of my choice this cycle, and I wanted to thank Darwin’s Finch, Blake and Colibri for agreeing to look over my candidate statement. Since I “met” these people through the boards, it seems only appropriate that I should thank them via the boards.

Anyway, classes start in August, and I’m chomping at the bit to get going. I could start my lab training now, if I can figure out how to make it all work. I gotta eat too. I’ll probably start a thread on that as well, but first things first.

Thanks so much!

Congrats on being accepted!

Yay you!

Woo! I’m so glad it’s official! Way to go! :smiley:

Congratulations! :slight_smile:

Thank you all. I’m super excited, really.

Actually, crazy ready to start is probably a more accurate statement, to be frank.

Awesome - congrats! And yay Dopers who helped!!

Congratulations! :slight_smile:

Wow! That is so cool! (I’ve always suspected that SMDB had the potential to be more than a massive time-waster. :wink: )

Congrats to you!

Thanks to everyone so far.

Unfortunately, freckafree, it’s mostly a massive time-waster. But I’m going to call this a good return on my time-investment. Yeah, that’s the ticket.

Now you can report your subscription fee under “educational expenses.”
Good luck in school!

I find myself both overjoyed, and unsurprised. An odd combination.

Be well, be happy!


CoG888, that is a fabulous idea. Thank you for the luck. No doubt I will need it at times. Possibly lots of times.

Thank you, Tris. I really appreciate it.


You couldn’t have selected three more brilliant people. I hold each of them in high esteem.

Thank you!

Congratulations! :slight_smile:

Congratulations! I know how you feel because I’ve just gotten my first two grad school admission notices too! (I’m still waiting on the other three schools I applied to before I make a decision.) Wheeee! I can’t say that the Dope contibuted directly to my grad school application, but I got a lot of advice from the Dopers in various ways, like when I posted incredibly basic GRE math questions in GQ, or when I asked for advice on writing my personal statement in IMHO.

The Dopers: consult them before making any major life decisions.

Thats great! congratulations and good luck to you!

I’m so happy for you!