Springing Forward in the MMP

Howdy Y’all! Moanday has been survived. HOORAY!!! ‘Tis taco night at da cave. OLÈ! Other than that, not much else is happenin’. That is unless you count the fact that the pine trees are now in full Spring orgy.

Home. Returned to find **FCD **buried under covers in bed - poor guy just hasn’t been sleeping well. Also came home to dog poop in front of the fireplace. Rah.

It was a half-way wasted day at work. Wonder how the rest of the week will go? Three anna half more days, and the half day will be spent packing up my personal stuff, turning in my ID, and getting my final debrief. Can’t wait!!

Meanwhile, my sweetie doesn’t want supper, so I need to decide what to feed myself. I’m thinking mac-n-cheese is a good, easy choice, along with a veggie to simulate something healthy.

I went back to my old glasses. I didn’t like the way the new ones felt, and since the prescription didn’t change, I’ll just keep the new ones beside the bed for late-night TV watching. Thought you’d like to know. :wink:

The time change doesn’t seem to mess with my sleep at all. Then again, I don’t sleep much to begin with. I should be doing productive things around the house today. Instead I am playing Yahtzee with Buddies, looking up recipes for cupcakes I will probably never make, texting with the husband, and eating grapes. Next, I plan on watching napping a little, doing some online browsing for swimsuits, filing my nails and not folding the laundry.

ddsun, I too hate Daylight Savings Time. what does it actually accomplish?

If anyone else feels that way, you should read the following obituary. Harry Stamps died in 2013, and his daughter wrote his obituary, which went viral. I wish she knew me well enough that when I go she’d write mine. It mentions how Harry hated DST. Really, read it, it will make you smile.


Blurf. I came down with a cold yesterday. It’s not a really bad cold, just enough of one that I feel miserable and want to root around my sinuses with an icepick to loosen the crud that’s in there To top it off, I didn’t sleep well last night, so I’m doubly miserable.

The job interview went OK, I thought. I brought copies of my resume, DD-214, and other documents they requested. My resume, in particular, is a thing of beauty. I used tables to make sure everything lines up as it should and it looks fantastic. Except they didn’t want a resume, they wanted a handwritten application. I had to write out seven pages of work history, plus references and education. At least I had my resume to copy; it could have gotten ugly otherwise.

The interview itself was a typical gubmint interview. Everyone is asked the same questions and no one looks at you because they’re writing down everything you say, word for word. They’re looking to move fast, so I’ll get a decision in a few weeks with a start date in late April.

Tacos have been made and consumed. OLÈ! They were good if’n I do say so myself.

CupCakes HEE! Now THAT is an obituary!

Rockin appropriate/inappropriate appendages will remain crossed.

Today is such a sleepy day.

The dog hasn’t been out since I woke up - just snoring away. Every now and then he stands up, rearranges his blanket and flops back down. I woke Sah-son at 3, he got up and mumbled some things that didn’t make sense, asked me to holler for him at 5, and went back to bed. At 5 he got up, said a few more incoherent things, and went back to bed.
I want to go back to bed, but I have to irk.

I got 18 of the 81 things on my list done.

You can just about create a calendar around DH’s chemo cycles. He’s getting another blood transfusion tomorrow, so we must be coming out of the nadir period. At least we’re doing the halfway clever thing of going today so they can draw a sample to type and cross overnight, then tomorrow, get the blood. If the hospital has the right stuff in-house, it’s quick, but if they have to bring it in from somewhere else, the T&C can take several hours.

There was one memorable time that it took 14 hours from arrival to leaving to get two units in. If everything goes to plan, it should be more like five hours tomorrow.

Someone else here is going to the hospital tomorrow, but they don’t know it yet. The Chihuahua is going to the vet to get “tutored” in the morning. Bob Barker would be so happy…

Meanwhile, back to work and laundry. Woo and/or Hoo.

I’m feelin’ tahrd. Maybe that’s a good sign DST won’t be too big of a pain in the patoot. Shortly I shall retire to the budoir where OYKW has already ensconsed himself to watch teevee until sleepy time.

gotti here’s hopin’ DH’s blood transfusion goes off without a hitch tomorrow.

Nitey Nite Y’all!

Good luck to Gotti’s DH and to Rockin’.

Had my Botox today. Confirmed that the next treatment option is “experimental” and won’t be covered.

I installed a Reverse Osmosis water filter in the kitchen. I am waiting for the flood or something to explode. I’ll keep y’all posted.

Persistent depression sucks (insert vulgar noun here.)

That is all.

Worried about my computer. I had valuable files on it that might’ve been erased when I took it in for fixing without backing it up. Yes, I know it was stupid. Thinking about phoning the computer shop tomorrow.

I agree!:stuck_out_tongue: Why should an obituary be a simple resume? Reading that one you got a real feel for what the guy was like, and also the wonderful family he helped shape.

Thanks for sharing!

I made it home, and walked Princess Pretty Paws just ahead of the oncoming storm(or the upstairs neighbors are playing curling again, hard to tell). And today is one of my Firdays.:smiley:


: crosses appropriate and inappropriate appendages for Rockin’ :

Hope things go well with the transfusions, gotti.

Red, do you have a horse, or do you ride a bike after work???

Good luck on the transfusions **DH **and gotti. What type blood are you? Hope it’s not rare.

Since a foot cramp woke me up I realized I failed to report that dinner was some thin slices of smoked pork heated in a very hot iron skillet with some oil and garlic; just enough oil to keep it from sticking. We then made some mushrooms and onions in the same pan as a side. It was quite good.

(original pig was a full boneless loin)

Dealing with stupid people sure is exhausting.

Whine, whine, whine. I’d take a nap at work but it’s one of the many things in the Not Allowed list.

Good vibes to Rockin and DH.

I’ve never understood people who take exact notes of everything, other than court recorders (who get paid for it). Unless it needs to be kept around for a million years, which in the case of a gummint job might be the case, just record it.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN 'Tis 65 Amurrkin out and cloudy with a predicted high of 89 and sunny. That’s warm even for here this time of year! Temps are supposed to cool down after today. We shall see.

{{{Midget}}} I know of what you speak. Depression does well and truly suck.

BatKid yep it is. Teh stoopid is all around us.

OK, I need more caffeine and rumbly tummy demands sustenance. Then, alas and alack, irk purtification must commence. I get to spend most of the day in the near south forty. Plus, I get to be in on a conference call. Rah.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!