Star Wars: Clone Wars Micro Series - How to Buy?

Wow. My 7-year-old and I watched the 3-hour running of all the episodes last night on Cartoon Network. It is BY FAR the best of the prequels - captures all of the nuance, story and power of the first two episodes ( IV A New Hope, and V Empire…). Who’da thunk that the animated version would do a better job of showing Anakin getting in touch with his dark side and lovin’ it up with Amidala better than live action? Amazing - and making I and II seem that much more overhyped special effects vehicles catering to 4-year-olds. The animator Genndy Tartakovsky should be hugely commended.

Anyway - two questions:

  1. What did we watch? Was that every Micro Series episode, or are more coming?
  2. How should we buy it? A quick check of Amazon shows me that Volume 1 is available on DVD - should we get that, or wait for a full DVD release - when would that be?

Thanks for any help - a quick Google was confusing…

  1. You watched Volume 1 (chapters 1-20) & Volume 2 (chapters 21-25). CN removed the chapter titles. Chapters 1-20 ran about 3.5 minutes long (except 20 which was about 7 minutes) Chapters 21-25 were about 12 minutes long.

  2. As you know, Volume 1 is already out. I would imagine Volume 2 will be out soon. Knowing Lucas, a combined volume is not out of the question.

You saw right up to when Episode III Revenge of the Sith begins.

I’m sure they’ll all be available on DVD soon, but as series one took about eight months to appear, you may be waiting as long as until September for the rest.

Great - thanks for the info.

And they said I was MAD when I suggested that Genndy be the director for Star Wars in that other thread (about who should direct if not Lucas). I thought the five new chapters were incredible.