"Starved" on FX

This show might actually be the definition of evil. I thought it was hilarious. I love a show where there’s no one you want to root for or identify with. Who would anyone root for? The main guy who only wants to slepp with the girl if he can turn her into a model from a chocolate commercial? The cop who extorts food from delivery boys and then binges and purges it?

I think I may have missed a few things though. The woman, I forget her name, she came out as a lesbian but then decided she liked men but her “fans” decided they liked her better gay? Did I hear that right?

The leader of “Belt Tighteners” was hysterically funny. I love the idea of a “self-help” group where the members beat up on each other, threaten each others’ livelihoods and may act to throw people out at any moment.

I purposely didn’t read the OP, but I had to open this thread just to say ‘FUCK’! I kept reminding myself all week to watch Starved and It’s Always Sunny in Philly and I completely forgot!


Starved was OK (loved the “support” group) but *It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia * was much better. I see it surviving long past Starved. It just has more potential.

This review makes me want to watch it now. Sounds bizarre but hilarious and definitely different.

It’s on FX – they’ll probably show it several more times this week, won’t they?

It looks like they’ll show them again Monday morning at 12 am and 12:30. Now, if I can just remember between now and then to set my ReplayTV to record it…

Could not disagree more. Trite set-up (three friends own a bar together and have wacky adventures), mildly amusing at its best, painfully unfunny and offenive at its worst (we can’t make any more money as a gay bar because I woke up in bed with a man!) and I’m seriously not looking forward to what promises to be another in a long series of “tranny freak” plots as revealed in various previews.

But given my track record in picking new shows to watch, “Philly” will probably run for a decade and Starved is probably already cancelled.

I thought Starved was great. It was darkly funny, yet sad at some points.

It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia was ok, but I liked Starved better. I’m with Otto on this one.

Not bad. I didn’t find it insensitive or mocking, as some critics opined earlier. I don’t know about not finding anyone to root for, though, as I thought the episode made an effort to offer a sympathetic moment for almost everyone at the end. Which is kind of a cheesy move in and of itself, but the look on the cop’s face when he was eating his meticulously lined-up PopTarts spoke volumes.

I’ll definitely watch another episode.

I’ve got to go with** Renob** here. It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia was much funnier than Starved. Starved was a lot more sad than it was humorous.

I liked both of the shows a bit, definitely better than most. I think I like the concept of Starved better, but It’s Always Sunny made me laugh more. Either way, I’ve been starved for entertaining television lately and these should help until the fall season at least (and hopefully there’s SOMETHING of value this year)

Hope it’s o.k. to ressurect this baby. I caught Starved late last night, and was really suprised at its humor and its complexity. This show has to be one of the darkest comedies ever on television.

The acting was very good–more dramatic that I expected–which was great. I don’t need another Friends or Seinfeld rehashing like you see on all of the major networks. The comedy reminded me of Rescue Me, heavy subject matter that is taken seriously–yet dealt with humorously.

I am excited about yet another great FX project and can’t wait to catch the next episode.

A bump from me, as this has become one of my favorite shows, despite the unecessary gross-out humor in each episide (last week’s ass-fountain, this week’s swollen balls). The show doesn’t need that, and it detracts from the otherwise great writing and acting.

It’s nice to see four totally f*cked-up characters who are both obnoxious and sympathetic, and who seem to genuinely care about each other. I hope the shark goes unjumped for awhile.

Sunny in Phila.—feh. Though I like the “little” guy (what is he, 5’7"? Hardly a midget!) who plays the lead. Next week is That Episode, which I dread.

My husband and I loved the first two eps of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. They were hilarious. I wasn’t too keen on last night’s, but I was shopping online when it aired, so it didn’t have my full attention.

I keep missing Starved. The first one had its moments, and we laughed out loud a few times. I didn’t get to see all of the colonic ep, but it’s recorded, so maybe I’ll watch it today. I missed last night’s ep, but I think I recorded it, so maybe I’ll my own personal Starved mini-marathon later today.

They keep marketing Starved as a comedy, which it’s really not, and I think that’s turning people off who tune in expecting Friends or Sex and the City.

After three episodes, Starved is quickly becoming my favorite new show. I just love it. It’s so human.

Sunny/Philly is ok, but it’s so incredibly unrealistic and contrived. I can go for that sometimes, but it just tries too hard to be over-the-top. Too much silliness.

But, I’ll watch anything with a script and actors. It’s a helluva lot better than the reality crap.

It is a comedy, though. Black as a coal mine in the middle of an eclipse, but a comedy nonetheless. Not sure how else they could market it. Where the creators are making a mistake is in trying too hard for pathos at the end of every episode. It cheats the rest of the ep.

Not only does it cheat the rest of the ep, but it just plain doesn’t work. At least it doesn’t for me. I couldn’t feel any less sorry for these people if I tried.

This is the second show that I watch, Curb Your Enthusiasm being the first, for which I have little to no sympany for the main character(s). If I count the later season of Seinfeld, I could up that to three.

I just caught both episodes for the first time last night. I had been eager to see it when the previews were running during Rescue Me, but I kept forgetting to check for it. Finally set the Tivo to help.

Loved them both. Starved I can see getting a little old for me. The dark comedies on networks in the past eventually get to the point where they’re just dark and not funny anymore. And if the get too sappy, sentimental I’ll tune out. I don’t watch TV for the messages. I want to be entertained. Save your “very special episodes” please. Though I do have faith in FX’s ability to not pander that way. Fingers crossed. I need to see the pilot so I can get better acquainted with who everyone is. Wonder if these characters are going to ever have any friends who are not part of the self-help group.

It’s always Sunny in Philly was damn funny. And I found myself agreeing with their rationatization for underage drinking. Scary thought… Anyways, it’s dumb and mindless comedy about a bunch of 28 year olds who own a bar and drink too much…yeah, I can relate to this. Hopefully they don’t burn through their schtick too quickly. Already they’ve had the gay bar and underage bar plot lines. Not alot of range there. In any case, I generally liked the characters. The acting really sucks though, something that I typically don’t expect from an FX show. The girl seemed to be the only one capable of acting drunk without looking totally phony, and seriously, if you’ve been drunk how hard is it to re-enact? I can’t emote to save my life, but i can play drunk like a champ.

Well somehow this has become a compare-contrast thread, so I’ll weigh in again on Philly to say I’ve given up on it. It’s one thing that I’ve watched three episodes and can’t remember the name of any of the characters. I can’t remember the names of the characters on Starved either, but at least when I see them on-screen I can tell them apart. But it’s another when I watch three episodes of a comedy and I don’t laugh once. The only thing I’ve found even mildly amusing was last night when The Short One regressed into the high school gossip. Other than that, nada. I’ll probably watch the Tranny Menace episode next week just so I can commiserate with Eve on how appalling it will be and then forget it.