I just found out about this, but apparently it started about two months ago.
stillerandmeara.com forwards to a Yahoo! Video page of all the episodes.
You can also watch the episodes on their Hulu page hulu.com/stiller-and-meara
I have a CD of their act from the 60’s and it has always been one of my favorites (I don’t think the CD I have is one of their original comedy albums, I think it’s a compilation). I was so excited to see them do a bit with Wyatt Cenac on The Daily Show a few weeks ago (the week leading up to the rally).
I’ve gone through all 9 episodes already, they’re really great. Each about 2 minutes long. The two of them talking over each other on one particular topic per episode. I say “talking over each other”, but it really is impressive how they are so tapped into one another’s rhythm that they never step on each other’s comic gems.
I love how the director of each episode (many of them by Ben Stiller) only gets his director credit in quotes! (e.g. “Directed” by Ben Stiller)