Stop Taking It Upon Yourself To Do Stuff And Then Complain About It!!!!

It’s taken me long enough, but I think finally I’ve spotted the pattern here.

Step 1: Ask how to do a job that I usually do.
Step 2: Do it as a occasional “favour” to me.
Step 3: Start doing that job all the time. I foolishly let you get on with it, as long as it’s getting done, why should I worry about who’s doing it?
Step 4: Start doing the job your way, ignoring the procedure about how it should be done.
Step 5. Throw a strop when you’re told to do it the proper, established way, because your way is better and “don’t you trust me?”.
Step 6. Announce in huff that you haven’t time to do it, and I should do it.

Well fine. No-one asked you to do it, you took it upon yourself. I now see that you did this to extend your sphere of control freakery just one tiny bit, and I should have insisted that I do it. So don’t go acting the injured, unappreciated and put-upon party when it becomes obvious you’re ignoring the rules to suit yourself in a way that is likely to get us burned. Especially when it’ll be me that’ll be held responsible. So yeah, you’re damn right I’ll do it. And I’ll do it properly.

I see now that you’ve pulled this shit before. I’ve just not been able to put a handle on exactly what you’re doing. So I’ll not going to be caught out by it again.

Well! I hope you gave the gentleman or lady in question a smart dressing down.

Wow, sounds a lot like what my mom does…

performs a task for me because she can supposedly do it better while complaining how I never do that task which I can’t do because she performs a task for me because she can supposedly do it better while complaining how I never do that task which I can’t do because she performs a task for me because she can supposedly do it better while complaining how I never do that task which I can’t do because she performs a task for me because she can supposedly do it better while complaining how I never do that task which I can’t do because she performs a task for me because she can supposedly do it better while complaining how I never do that task which I can’t do because she performs a task for me because she can supposedly do it better while complaining how I never do that task which I can’t do because she performs a task for me because she can supposedly do it better while complaining how I never do that task which I can’t do because she performs a task for me because she can supposedly do it better while complaining how I never do that task which I can’t do because she performs a task for me because she can supposedly do it better while complaining how I never do that task which I can’t do because she performs a task for me because she can supposedly do it better while complaining how I never do that task which I can’t do because she…

et cetera.