Stress: Could it get even worse?

I have had way too many stressful things happen recently. Too much shit going on in my life.

(1) I wasn’t able to get my college books for a week. So there I was, sitting like a fool, trying to make the best of things without books. I have a shitload of work to catch up on this weekend.

(2) This girl I know is pregnant. She came calling me up telling me how worried she is about her future baby and her prospects as a mother. She always asks me for advice, and she never follows it, which is probably why she’s in her current predicament (sigh).

(3) Another girl I knew, who sat to the right of me in my geometry class, died in a car wreck this morning. Her brother, an aquantance of mine who was in a couple of my classes, is in critical condition.

Oddly enough, another student last year who I sat next to, died under tragic circumstances. What is this, some freaky twilight zone action?

(4) My mother is leaving her husband, my soon to be ex-stepdad. I’ve always known he’s a lousy bum. Too bad it took her 6 years and 2 children later to find this out.

Vince has apparently lost all interest in life. He doesn’t do any help around the house, won’t help out with the kids he didn’t feed his beloved bird that he’s had for 15 years, and it died. My mom told him to bury it, and he didn’t. After a couple days, maggots started crawling around the carcass of the dead creature. Finally, mom buried it.

Vince has told me that he is bisexual. But judging by his porn collection, I think he leans more towards gay than straight. Maybe he wants to be free to be with men, and doesn’t have the balls to actively end the marriage, so he’s sabotaging it? Who knows. I just hope my brother and sister will be able to handle this as they are growing up.

(5) I’ve been looking for work. I know I need the money. But it’s going to be a pain in the ass when I finally do find work, jugling that with school.


  1. Ick. But perhaps a distraction from 2 through 5, in the short term.

  2. Pray that the baby will grow her up. Or, better, that the pregnancy will grow her up before there’s a baby to contend with. (Happy thoughts are great substitutes if you don’t pray.)

  3. Classmate deaths are tough, but tougher on the families. Pray for them too. (See above disclaimer.)

  4. Love your mom, and your siblings, and let Vince go his own path. He will anyway.

  5. Icky-ick. I hope when you find a job, your manager is sympathetic to your studies.

It’s been a stressfull week for me, too, and I sympathise. Go have a hot bath, or a really good night’s sleep. Or both.

Unbelievably, things have gotten even worse.

My Great Unrequited Love Who Is Just Friends With Me™ is now engaged.

I can feel the dagger go into my heart, and twist.

damn and I thought MY day sucked yesterday… All that happened to me was my best friend of 3+ years dumped me via email and won’t answer her phone…

Vince sounds depressed. He ought to see a doctor.

hmm… possibly. I’ll talk with my mom about this.

Not to be a dick or anything, but most text books are available in the library…which might help you in the future if you can’t get a book and are falling behind. In fact, I have known people who have gone entire semesters without buying books by simply reading the books in the library. Sorry about everything else, in particular the GULWIJFW[Y], that one I know first hand how much it sucks. Hang in there, this too shall pass.

Blalron, I’m sorry that you are feeling so punk right now, but I’m relieved that the bad things have mostly happened to others and not to you.

At least you have your textbooks now, you didn’t die and no one close to you did. Your friend didn’t follow your advice, but she isn’t blaming you for the result either. And it isn’t a wonderful and warm father that is leaving.


But I know you hurt anyway. Sorry.

I agree that Vince sounds like he has depression. That inability to do anything is so characteristic.

I hope your mother is handling this okay.