I’m sitting here home alone with a little tabletop tree strung with a strand of lights and Spotify running a playlist of my favourite Holiday music. Just trying to make it through the next few weeks with my psyche intact and ready to face the new year.
It’s not all bad news. I’ve nearly completely transitioned into a new group at work that appreciates my work and abilities (just waiting for that final form from H.R.). I know I have two parents who love me and care for me (be they yet 500 miles away and around 80 years old), I have a brother who lives nearby whom I can turn to for a couple of things. And I have about four or five friends—close emotionally but distant physically—whom I can turn to for long telephone conversations and positive support. My wife started seeing her own therapist today, so I’m hoping that bodes well for the near future.
There’s still a lot that’s wrong though, and I’m just trying to keep my chin up and power through it all as I can: (1) the state of my health has plummeted throughout the pandemic lockdown (gained weight, lost mobility, severe nerve pain), (2) my relationship with my wife is very rocky and we are making very slow progress, (3) my house is in serious need of repairs and cleaning, but my relationship with my wife, what I now realize are her hoarding tendencies, are making the process very slow. That’s just off the top.
And of course I am subjected to regular rants by my wife about how horrible holidays are.
I know my brother and my handful of close friends love me in their own way, but they have their own families to deal with on the holidays (especially during a pandemic), and it’s now several holiday seasons in a row in which I have not been invited to share in the festivities with somebody.
Of course, I could have gone to see my parents, but I don’t feel comfortable taking the risk of driving 500 miles by myself in my unreliable car in the winter during a pandemic. My wife long ago stopped visiting my parents on holidays. And my brother and his family don’t have room for me in their conveyance to tag along. (Yes, the idea that I would be “tagging along” with my own brother to see our parents does sting.)
And this is a small thing, but my therapist (whom I’ve been seeing on video calls during the pandemic), whom I really like, is transitioning to a new job in a new place, and I’ll have to find a replacement.
(Not even mentioning the global problems, like impending fascist overthrow of democracy in our country.)
I’m trying to focus on the positives: things are looking up at work, we are making some progress getting the house in order (if slow); my wife is seeing a therapist (I hope that lasts); I’m making some gains in my health (if slow); I’ve re-dedicated myself to learning languages on Duolingo (I find it keeps my mind sharp); I have been able to start reading a bit (the pandemic strangely killed my ability to read), at least comic books, if not novels; and I have a weekly RPG game (although not this week).
Trying to concentrate on the positives. But I’m still by myself (occasionally in the company of my wife). I know that there are probably a lot of people around who are feeling it as badly as me, if not worse, so I’m reaching out with my heart to them too.
I know I’ll survive, but I want to thrive, not just survive.