Stupid Black idea of the day.

tomndebb is wrong. And corporations aren’t people.

Your thread still sucks.

I don’t think that. But having a “Stupid Black idea of the day” thread really doesn’t serve as anything that would confirm or refute that idea.

How about a “Is political affiliation similar to race?” thread in GD?

What sucks about it?

Oh wait. Here’s one: Kanye West said “When you hear about slavery for 400 years … for 400 years?” he said. “That sounds like a choice.”

That’s a pretty stupid black idea, right? Or maybe it’s just a stupid idea from a person who happens to be black?

You are just not very clever, are you?

Perfect thread for this avatar!

Pretty much everything.

Black as a singular word, doesn’t really relate to black people.
Your beef seems to be with tomndebb not “black”.

My god. Yes, you’ve stumbled upon the point.

I’m fairly certain I’m more clever than this thread seems to be. Good on you though!

Today the avatars, tomorrow a “like” button?

I think the debate is about what should constitute a “protected class.” Blacks are a protected class. I suppose whites are a protected class also. I think OP believes Republicans should NOT be a protected class, but is, confusingly, doing a sarcastic reversal for some emphasis. Did I guess right?

I’ve always felt mistreated because obnoxious people are not a protected class. It’s not really my fault that I’m obnoxious — it was the deterministic result of my genes and environment. I might have had better jobs if I weren’t obnoxious; and most probably had more voluptuous blondes. I certainly think I’m entitled to more protection than Republicans are! :stuck_out_tongue:

The smart money is on the OP has a history (take a wild guess who’s on the losing side) with a particular mod.

Sort of. “Blacks” and “Whites” are not protected classes. Race is a protected. Religion is protected. Tomndebb thnks political affiliation should also be protected.

You’ll lose that “smart” money.

This board is getting crazy weird. Ever since the avatars got enabled. I blame Panther Modern!

Blacks, whites, Asians, etc. are not, per se, protected classes. Race and ethnicity are two protected classes. If one is discriminated against for being white, it’s not that white is the protected class, it’s the race component of the discrimination that is the issue.

Well, this is thread destined to be a train wreck.

But not a cool train wreck. Like, a pathetic train wreck. Like if the kid’s train at the local theme park went off the rails at 5mph kind of train wreck.

Quiet everyone! It would seem CarnalK’s making a point!

And it’s a clever point. That only clever people can understand.

“Only the best points”