

They said I was MaD! They said it couldn’t be done–but I done did it!

Ashley has a job interview! yes! YES!

Okay–the weird part is, I don’t even know what I’m being considered for. But some lucky manager out there actually responded to a copy of my resume!

(I have never held a salaried position at any job, and had (until now) never even been given an interview, despite long, arduous, repeated attempts spanning several months)

I want to hug and kiss every last one of you. Even Uniball (you weirdo!)

Way to go! Good luck. Now go shine those dress shoes.

Don’t whistle in the stairways!

Awww pouts I’ve been putting out Resumes since October and no one’s called me back yet… and then last night on the news they have the temerity to say there is a lack of part-time workers here! Oh the irony… sighs Ah well I’m happy for you! Good luck at the interview!

don’t drop the soap- oh wait a minute… :smiley:

good luck, I’ve been salary now for a year and a half, a little more work, but a lot more pay, a switchoff I love!

have fun, and don’t make all your co~workers (read :peons) start to sing ** “she’s got a big brown ring around her nose, and it grows and grows and grows…” **

Make sure not to drink any urine before going into the interview.
