I know this is a little overdue but it’s something I’ve been wondering about for a while now. I’ve lived in Detroit all of my life (27 years) so I know Downtown Detroit very well. We had a LOT of visitors come down for the SuperBowl. It was pretty amazing–Detroit actually had a night life that week-end!!!I’ve never seen so many people just walking around. It was (almost) like a normal city…sigh
The sad part is that there was a lot of concealing the really decripit parts like the too frequent abandoned buildings. A lot of “fake clubs” were put up too. The city has prety much gone back to the way it was before now–there are even talk of shutting down the Detroit Zoo because the city can’t afford to keep it open anymore. And the most pathetic (and sad) part is that they threw a party for all the homeless so that people wouldn’t have to look at them .
All the commentaries I heard on the news consisted mostly of things like, “Wow, I was so surprised!” or “Wow, you guys are doing some great things down here!”. was wondering what peoples’ impressions were of the city who decided to make the journey down here. Is anyone thinking of coming down for a visit to Detroit again because of what they saw? In other words, did the “pretty” vaneer fool anyone?