Support Our Troops/ Oppose Abortion in One Easy Step This Xmas

With an Unborn Baby Ornament- US Troop Model.

Yeah, it’s a joke (though still buyable!), but pleeease Santa make a mainstream news outlet pick it up without realizing this fact!

Also available in “brown.” Ha!

eye twitches That’s, um…rather unsettling.

Thank God it’s a joke.

Build me a path from cradle to grave :slight_smile:

That is freakin’ hilarious!

Reminds me of one of my favorite Onion articles. Nation Shocked By Pre-Natal Shooting
Fetuses with guns never stops being funny.

Tom Tomorrow did a strip once in which a fetus shot several people. The strip was about conservatives being torn between their opposition to abortion and their support of capital punishment.

Follow the link to the “Miss Poppy” site.
Greed can justify anything for a buck:

Greed , you say?

Maybe if the fetus in the ornament was actual chocolate. Sadly, I have tried googling chocolate fetus and have come up empty.

I’ve always wanted to do something like that. You know those polished rocks that have inspirational sayings on them (Faith / Believe / Dream / Whatever Sappy Sentiment)? Well, change it to things like Fucked, Pervert, Harmful, Neurotic. I just can’t imagine that there’s not some sort of niche market out there where that wouldn’t sell like wild fire.

Hot Topic anyone?


:smiley: :smiley:


That HandzOff Anti-Masturbatory Cream also comes in a gum. It says you can chew up to 120 pieces a day as needed.