Survivior 10/31/02

Sheesh, I can’t believe I have to start this for the second week in a row. Pick it up a little, Survivor junkies!

Okay, looks like there’s a semi-merge this week. Everyone will be living together, but still competing for immunity as teams. That throws a definite monkey wrench into the strategies, especially for Chewing Gum.

Normally, the first one out post-merge is someone who’s an individual immunity threat. That would make Ken and Ted big targets. But if they’re afraid they’re going to have to keep competing as tribes (I suspect this will be the last week of that), the strategy still has to be to boot the weak and the unliked. On Chewing Gum, that spells Shii Ann. On Soup Guy, that spells Jan.

I’m guessing Shii Ann gets the axe tonigt, which fits in with Ghandia’s list of “stars” and smokers who likely joined her at Losers Lodge. The Pagonging of Chewing Gum starts tonight.

I know-- normally dragongirl starts these things.

There is some sort of merge- but I was not sure what the twist was. The manner you described might be a nice way to avoid having the run of strong players voted out of the game that we normally have at this point.

Of course if that is true, Robb will be missed.

Well, I’m on west coast time, so I have an excuse.

Where did you hear that about the new merger-but-not scheme, minty? That’s news to me.

I hope Granny Jan goes tonight. (Not my Shii Ann! Please!)

Ferrous, I’m with ya on Shii Ann! I’ll have to watch “Friends” again after she’s voted off. Judging by people’s attitude about her, she won’t win.

I lurk at one or two Survivor sites, especially SurvivorSucks. You can link to them easily via the SurvivorNews “spoilers” category. Vid caps of the previews can reveal quite a lot about the next episode.

It’s not much of a spoiler, though. The previews this time clearly show Chewing Gum and Soup Guy as teams in the prison cell escape challenge, but with no buffs anywhere in sight. It’s therefore post-merge, almost certainly IC. Hence, they’re competing as teams for immunity. I suspect this is just a new manner of tiebreaker for the merger, rather than purple rock or past votes. Next week, when we get down to booting jury members, should be back to individual immunity.

I’ve read other references to her list, but haven’t been able to find it; you wouldn’t happen to have a link handy, wouldja?

Not sure if I’m reading you right. Shii-Ann’s on Soup-Guy, and Jan’s on Chewing Gum. If you think Chewing Gum’s members are going to get Pagonged, then Jan’s gonna go. I think Shii-Ann, Jake, Kenn, Erin and Penny are going to pick off the CG members one by one, starting with either (A) Jan, because she’s so damn annoying/crazy and wants to have funerals for more dead Christian bats, or (B) Ted, because they see him as a threat in challenges.

Must be the ghost of Robbbb who made me do that! :smiley:

Sorry, got my tribe names mixed up. I’m thinking Soup Guy loses immunity, than gets Pagonged.

Pantellerite, there is some remaining info on the “Gdiva” spoiler here.

I know, I’ve been bad the past few weeks, but real life keeps getting in the way.

I think Shii- Ann is going to night too, no special reason, but that’s what I’m thinking.

From ABT

ABT says Chewy Gahn wins IC and RC and Shii-Ann gets the boot, so I guess there’s no merge this season.

Gotcha. Thanks for the link (and another source of Survivor news!), minty. I take it that the Ghandia-related “spoilers” are information gleaned from her on various MB, in chat, etc., and not from anything formal.

I’m sticking the answer to Pantellerite’s question in spoiler tags because I don’t want to ruin anybody’s blissful ignorance. Nothing important here, just how Ghandia inadvertently (but recklessly) gave out some serious clues about who would not be on the jury.[spoiler]“Gdiva” went on a pre-show posting spree on the Survivior Sucks boards. Though she did not explicitly give away any boots, her comments on the “stars” and who smoked (Ghandia is a smoker, and cigarettes are forbidden while the contestants are still in the game) strongly indicated who she had gotten to know. It was obvious from day one that Ghandia was going to be booted early, so it became a rough list of who joined her at loser’s lodge.

Gdiva mentioned Shii Ann as both a star and a smoker. Since SA was on another tribe, and she would not have much opportunity to get to know her as a fellow nicotine fiend if SA had made the jury, that’s a pretty good indication that SA won’t make it far. It’s one of the major reasons why she’s been predicted as a boot so many times. I think it’s finally going to catch up with her tonight.

The Gdiva posts were removed from Sucks, but you may be able to google them up from somewhere else. Drop a link if you do–I’ve only seen excerpts.[/spoiler]

Wow. The big twist… SUCKED.

Hey, David B! How’d you like her final words?


I liked the twist because it got that bitch out. She did it to herself though. That’s what you get for selling out your tribe without knowing the whole deal and then admitting it in front of them. Genius!

My new favorite is Penny. Yeah, she is a smug bitch but she is turning the America’s Sweetheart Survivor caricature on its head with her little smirk and manipulations.

What manipulations? I know Shii called her manipulative, but I’ve seen absolutely nothing to indicate she’s some sort of evil genius puppet master. Nothing whatsoever.

It’s bad enough Shii Ann had to go, but the producers made it even worse by giving us so many shots of her fabulous derriere in this episode. It was just rubbing in what we’ll be missing from now on.

But I have to agree she brought it on herself. I figured the “merger” hadn’t broken up the tribes, but when everyone kept acting as if it had, I figured I must have missed something. But in fact, Shii Ann had made the mistake of burning a bridge in front of her by forming alliances with a new tribe and then finding out she still belonged to the old one. The question in my mind was whether the other Soup Guys threw the challenge just to bounce her.

It’s bad enough Shii Ann had to go, but the producers made it even worse by giving us so many shots of her fabulous derriere in this episode. It was just rubbing in what we’ll be missing from now on.

But I have to agree she brought it on herself. I figured the “merger” hadn’t broken up the tribes, but when everyone kept acting as if it had, I figured I must have missed something. But in fact, Shii Ann had made the mistake of burning a bridge in front of her by forming alliances with a new tribe and then finding out she still belonged to the old one. The question in my mind was whether the other Soup Guys threw the challenge just to bounce her.

Watching Shii Ann get the boot was the second most enjoyable boot after the detestible Ghandia.

She was oh so smug when talking with Ken. Here is a hint why people didn’t like you- you were a bitch too often. Not because you were Asian, or grew up in Hong Kong. Maybe if you didn’t run your mouth constantly. . . :rolleyes:

The look on her face when she heard it was still 2 tribes-- priceless. She didn’t even make the jury. :smiley:

Also enjoyed watching drunk Granny stumble around. . .

I liked the twist, as traditionally this time of the game once one tribe gets an advantage they run the table for a couple of weeks.

I like keeping them as tribes until at least the final four. Keeps the true survivors onboard.

Ghandia, Robb and Shii Ann all booted before the jury-- that’s priceless.

Penny is still my favorite. And a thousand times cuter then Shii Ann too. :wink:

“My Kingdom” watch out Brian, the last guy who thought that got played. . .

They sure were focussing on Shi’s butt, weren’t they.
I missed the 1st 10 (trick or treating) and the final words. (Got em on tape, but what did Shi say?) I thought she was playing pretty well to go with the others. Not sure how tight she was with Ken and Jed, but Penny and Erin would have been against her anytime.

Neat challenge.

Had a friend over - watched it with me. Had never seen Survivor before. What an irritating experience! “What are they doing now? Who’s this guy? That was stupid!”

I enjoyed the twist. Kept things from getting too predictable. Wonder how long they’ll stay seperate. Will make the challenges tough if one team gets down to 3 or 2.