Take a guess at when you will end up being vaccinated

Hmm, on Costco’s own web site it does include Gilroy and Santa Cruz as stores offering the vaccine:

Looks like if you click the rotating banner, one of which is about vaccines, you get a site that works. If you click Pharmacy, then vaccines, you get a site that doesn’t. I just now tried both ways.

I checked Gilroy, nothing available. Then I checked Santa Cruz and the site barfed.


Last week when I was trying, I had the site repeatedly hang, I got error codes like the one above, and I eventually got a “site maintenance” message for several hours. Then I was able to schedule. When I’ve checked for other people since then, I’ve gotten error messages, or gotten through. So it’s hit or miss.

Made it to the Rite Aid in Fresno, waiting to get jabbed

So reviewing the drive across the state, it took a lot longer than Google told me. But it was quite pretty, especially at the beginning: rolling green hills from Watsonsville to Hollister and up over Pacheco pass, brilliant orange poppies on the side of the road and sometimes up on the hills. Huge fields of wild yellow mustard that the farmers hadn’t yet plowed under. The vastness of San Luis reservoir. God I love California in the springtime. I’m glad I went the long way today.

If it weren’t disabled, I would “like” your post.

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Nice work-around.

Mistermage sent me a link to our county’s health website. They had a shipment of J&J shots showing up unexpectedly. I signed up… the shots will be administered the next town over which is better than nothing :wink:

I’m on the list. Even if I don’t get in on this one… I’m still on the first list I’ve seen in Iowa.

and link to fill out if you are in Jones county Iowa:

I’m as southern as you can get… less than 2 miles the 2 roads heading south= next county.

Mistermage has an appt. in the Quad-Cities for his first jab. Oh, his boss told him about the extra doses. Yay! I think this guy has been one of the few upper management who are keepers. His wife has a great greenhouse business that… hubby literally helped build (one of the greenhouses) and she gives us great plants that didn’t sell. He (the boss) also went to a garage sale/auction/estate sale today with hubby and his bud he brought in a decade ago. Because Mistermage was driving his little pick-up truck :smiley:

I forgot the highlight of my “vaccine tourism” yesterday. Look what was on the corner where my vaccine Rite Aid (in background) was located in Fresno!

I haven’t seen a Sinclair station + dinosaur since I was a kid in the Midwest! I do suppose “Dino Lube” would be a very different product if conceived (heh) today.

I was about to be so proud that I found an appointment for my sister in her state, just moments after asking her if she’d like my help scheduling. I messaged her to ask her preferred time at the nearby pharmacy where I’d found times available in a few days. Frustratingly, she wasn’t responding quickly. Then she responded that she’d been busy scheduling herself at that same pharmacy.

Well, any way it happened, yay!

Texas it is now open to all over 18yrs. BOY has it been hard still to find an appt online! Even with them announcing more shipments coming. I’m helping friends out to find an appt closest to where they are. Today, I found a unicorn appt opening at Walmart for Saturday afternoon. One slot open, and it was taken in a couple of hours. CVS/Walgreens/Randalls all booked up here in SW side of town.

They have (or had… it’s been a few years since we went*) one of those at Adventureland in Altoona, Iowa.

*I just checked and the dino is gone :frowning:

There’s still an old Sinclair dinosaur at a gas station in Green Bay, down the street from Lambeau Field. It was a Sinclair station back in the day (it’s now a Shell station). They’ve repainted the dinosaur a few times, and it now wears a football jersey (because it’s Green Bay).


Oh, sweet! That’s the ugly but adorable chickenwire plus paper mache style I remember from my childhood (sans jersey). I have a vague memory of some station having a truly big dino, like the height of the station itself somewhere in the midwest. We’re talking probably 1967ish.

Well… I certainly would not have guessed “Early April” at the beginning of the year. I wasn’t even thinking “Early April” last week, but with the changes in CDC guidelines and Massachusetts adopting those same changes I’m suddenly eligible and have an appointment later this week.

Registration here opened to 40+ today. With a little bit of time spent on website refreshing, I was able to get an appointment for this Saturday morning. So ready.

I got my second Moderna shot on March 28, as scheduled. Other than my shoulder still being a little sore, no adverse reactions.

My 50-something wife was bummed the other night because it seemed everyone else was getting their shots, but she hadn’t been able to score an appointment. I found her an appointment at Walgreen’s for tomorrow evening (Pfizer), with the second shot on May 4. Life is good.

Changing my guess to April 7th, 2021, at 3:17PM.