Taking it Slow, Saying Hi

English, me no speakie Francais.

ETA: Shoes in the house: off!

Sounds like someone could use a little more squid…

We could all probably use a little more squid, but a side effect of surviving Mariah is that squid no longer has any effect. That’s why there must always be new [DEL]victims[/DEL] members.

Yes, I encountered “Paper or plastic?” when I visited California in the nineties. It always seemed to me to be the wrong question, though. As the link you added implied, the real choice is between a store-supplied disposable bag, and a reusable one brought by the customer. When plastic bags were taxed at 5c each in Toronto, it was just enough of a push to get maybe 40% of people to bring their own reusable bags.

No, it was a choice between a disposable paper bag (thus contributing to deforestation and global warming) or a disposable plastic bag (thus contributing to overflowing landfills and scattered litter.) Paper bags are still available but now cost 10 cents each (which makes me think this law was one big conspiracy by the paper companies and the grocery stores themselves, heh) and while I’m still getting used to using recyclable cloth bags, it’s obvious they will soon become gross and disgusting due to leaky frozen food boxes & milk cartons, so they’re technically disposable, too.

What really sucks is that plastic bags are now an endangered species, and they had many valuable uses, such as picking up dog poop (though I don’t own a dog) among other things. I did manage to build up a stockpile of good plastic bags before the deadline, but like gasoline & cigarettes after a nuclear war, they won’t last forever. :frowning:

Hell, if we’re going to question him anyway…

Jennifer or Bailey?
Martin or Gibson?
Elvis or The Beatles?
m&ms or skittles?
Bill the Cat or Hobbes?
Epstein or Barbarino?

The proper answer to this question is “yes”. :slight_smile:

Welcome to you sir/madam.

As you’ve already been lurking you’ll be feeling just a little patronised that no-one has gratuitously insulted you yet so…allow me

“fuck off back to your farm shack, geeky-corn boy”

(I’m from the UK and know very little about Ohio but farming and corn production was implied so it’s the best I can do at short notice. Feel free to insert a more geographically relevant reference should you wish)

The one thing the dope will definitely do for you is to make you stop and think "hang on…can I really support what I’m saying claiming here? does my argument really hold water? "
People won’t be shy about calling you on it but it is all character-building and a cracking educational tool for you at your tender years…enjoy!

Go two feet (or meters, if that strikes your fancy) outside of a city, and you’re more likely than not in a corn field. :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh yeah, I’m not gonna argue something without good cites. Argumentation 101 and all that nice stuff.

One of my favorite favorite things about the Dope is how much I learn here. It’s amazing.