TAR 12/4: "We Are Charlie Chaplin"

Placeholder! And no, I have no idea if there’s a football game :smiley:

The final four fly from Brussels to Panama.

Looking at the preview clip over at cbs.com, I’m shuddering along with Sandy…

No football game! No delay!

There may be delays for the areas in purple on this first map:

Yep. We have the late game here (being in the general Baltimore area).

That sucked. It just wasn’t fair.

Forgive me for saying this, but I am so, so happy about this elimination it isn’t funny. I nearly did a Marcus-type whoop at the TV!

It was fair. It may have been unfortunate, but it was fair.

I have a “not fair” moment, but it’s not about the eliminated team. At least two of those teams only found out where the Pit Stop was by their driver being told where it was. There’s a definite difference between telling the driver a place name and letting him call around and find out how to get there, and a task where YOU have to figure out where the Pit Stop is by clues and tell your driver to go there, telling your driver the wrong place, then having the driver figure the right place out by another driver telling him.

The teams whose drivers were told where the Pit Stop was by the other drivers should have been penalized. And I don’t say this out of any partisanship for the Snowboarders.

As they were getting their tattoos, I was thinking :smack: that they flew all the way to Panama to get told to go to San Francisco? :smack:

some above average tasks tonight. Like the cryptic clue to the pit stop.

Sometimes it doesn’t pay to be the team all alone in front.

I did not see this one coming.

Marcus & Amani were about to go on the same wild goose chase that the snowboarders did when their cab driver got a phone call from one of the others. There may not be a specific rule against it, but if you’re the snowboarders that’s got to suck.

Oh, I totally agree that it has to suck if you’re the snowboarders, but I don’t think you can rule out that kind of intra-cab helping without going down a slippery slope. I’m sure the cabbies built up a rapport, anyhow, being together all day waiting for their racers (if they didn’t have one already).

I dunno. I didn’t really care for the Snowboarders, so I’m sure that colors my view of this. If it had been a team I like, perhaps I would feel differently.

Why? The drivers aren’t directly racing. I would expect them to share information, especially if they’ve been waiting around together. If they were actually TAR participants, that would be a whole other story.

Because the whole point of the Cathedral Square task was to figure out where the Pit Stop was using the clues provided, not to have your cab driver find out from another team that actually DID figure it out using the clues provided.

ETA: I understand that the teams whose drivers got the phone call from the other driver didn’t deliberately cheat or anything, so I understand where you’re coming from, but it still feels wrong. I think a new default item on the list of things to do when you find out where you’re supposed to go in a leg is going to be “Forbid your driver from telling other drivers, IMMEDIATELY!”

Agreed. They’re probably very nice guys IRL, but it’s about time other teams not of the young-male demographic get a chance to shine.

I see your point, but the other teams didn’t ask the cab drivers to figure it out for them. The cab drivers did that on their own, then told each other.

If I had to guess, I would bet some serious coin that either one of the Snowboarders would have at least 30 or 40 IQ points on ANY of the other Racers, but when it comes down to it, sometimes the smartest, fastest, strongest teams just happen to get a bad break at the wrong time and so end up going home early…

Marcus is one of the least intelligent, least perceptive Racers that I can ever recall, and he has stumbled his way ass-backwards this entire season. He will crash and burn at the 1st challenge that requires a modicum of critical thinking or deductive reasoning.

(Amani seems like a reasonably intelligent woman, however)

I really liked the snowboarders and I still agree that it was a perfectly legit elimination. It wasn’t something super-lame like choosing the wrong taxi driver or something.

Over-all, this has been an outstanding season. No teams to hate (Cindy annoys me but…that’s all…annoys), some excellent tasks, good local color (and local-related tasks),

I hope this is the beginning of a renissance for TAR.

After being told they’re characters from a famous comic strip and looking up said strip on Wikipedia… the Snowboarders decided they were Charlie Chaplin.

I’m sure MENSA has already offered them lifetime membership.

I also thought it was really nice of Conan O’Brien to come on the show to play TinTin. :smiley:

I’m guessing (I’ll look it up after I post this) that Columbia Pictures is the studio of the new TinTin movie…

ETA: Yep. Columbia (CBS).

I missed the first 15 minutes or so of tonight’s episode, so I am not sure what you are referring to, but just judging by the way they pronounced the names of the various locales from the Clues that they read aloud throughout the Race, I can tell that without a doubt the Snowboarders are brighter, more worldly and more articulate than anyone who is still in the running, even if they have the occasional fuck-up, which in this case just potentially cost them a million bucks.