Tasteless, classless Ted Kennedy video at DNC

Weeeell, there is that one meme.

Is that the chair the imaginary bogeyman Obama sits in?

Quite the zinger, though, wasn’t it? One memorable image counterbalanced by two memorable images (Willie Horton and a sad little man driving a tank). I those are the only things anyone remembers about the election of 1988.

Ted Kennedy was no hero, no great man, he was a rich, fat, murdering, cowardly, corrupt, treasonous, socialist, adultorous, alcoholic piece of shit. Good riddance.

Who you calling fat?

You misspelled “adulterous”.

And that was the high point of your post.

I know you’re scared, but you don’t need to lash out.

I love that Reince is giving this a moment more attention than it already got. I saw it while I was getting ready for work, and I thought it was a pretty damn smart way of getting TK’s ghost to campaign for Obama, and Kennedy would have probably loved it. It made Kennedy look great, and Romney look terrible. Why would he want to draw more attention to it?

And yet, most likely drunk and exhausted from banging a young staffer, he made Mitt Romney his bitch.

Please explain to me how we was “treasonous” as well as being a “socialist.”

A quick Google search doesn’t find the whole tribute video, but here’s a YouTube clip described as “From the DNC video tribute to Ted Kennedy, 9/4/12”. It’s the segment dealing with the debate skewering.

Good grief, but Romney was stiff and plastic and thin-skinned and defensive back then, too.

Wair, I found the whole thing, including his nephew’s live intro.

In 1983 Kennedy offered to help Yuri Andropov defeat President Reagan’s efforts to strengthen America’s nuclear deterrent and in return Andropov would help the Democrat Party defeat Reagan in 1984.

He put his own self-interest before his country.

Romney doesn’t have the guts. Because it would be easy enough for the Dems to play this video of the (R) Romney trying to out-liberal Ted Kennedy.

I’m thinking the base might have second thoughts. Which is a shame because this younger Romney is a vastly better speaker and candidate.

Teddy promoted socialized healthcare for decades.

Ezra Klein says it best, I think[sarcasm sign]


Wow, that was a really good video. I liked the part where Kennedy said a long list of Romney flip/flops, then said “hell, give him two more weeks and he’ll probably vote for me!”

For all of the Romney camp money, their convention looked like armature hour compared to this. I expect Reince to have a long week of being verklempt over the DNC convention. Quick, someone send him a package of hankies to fan himself with!

Yup, every time the GOP complains about it and their followers go to watch the video, they will see Romney’s position on abortion. Talk about just being mean!

Dukakis served in the army for two years, you know.

And yet, from beyond the grave, he’s still making mincemeat of the best candidate the Republican Party has to offer.

So the Republicans win a debate with a chair and then lose one with a dead guy. Best out of three?

BTW I looked at Priebus’s Twitter feed. He retweets Romney saying “We don’t belong to government, the government belongs to us.” There’s two ways to read that…