So because Haggard was trapped into fidelity, Mrs. Haggard became lazy and didn’t submit to his lustful urges, so he had no choice but to go relieve himself elsewhere? It’s all her fault?
According to these photos, Mrs. Haggard has hardly “let herself go.” (She probably will not be getting any $10,000 offers from Hugh Hefner, but she appears to be a reasonably attractive 40-something housewife.)
Seriously. I think she’s a cutie. Given some of the video footage I’ve seen, Haggard is the one who looks like he’s let himself go…as in “batshit insane”.
I guess what he’s really telling us is that Haggard is just the first of many - get ready for a lot more of their pastors caught with gay meth-dealing prostitutes.
Unless Mr. Driscoll’s wife is a totally pathetic doormat, she needs to grab that shit-weasel by the lapels the moment he walks through his front door and demand to know precisely what the slippery fuck he thought he was saying here.