I didn’t want to go into the other Anchorman thread because I was warded off by the SPOILER tag. Could someone who’s seen it convince me that it’s closer to Zoolander/Old School on the scale of funny than hanging out with the misfit Dodgeball on the lower end of the scale? Any hope at all?
If you think this movie was as funny as Dodgeball, and you thought Dodgeball was very funny, then Anchorman probably isn’t for me.
Well, I haven’t seen Anchorman, and I liked Dodgeball. So all I have to offer is that all the reviews I’ve seen so far, surprisingly, have been positive.
I haven’t seen Anchorman yet (I plan to do so tomorrow), but I have seen the promotional DVD that was sent to radio stations. I actually felt like I lost IQ points after watching it.
It does look like mindless entertainment, and after my review is written and posted, I will post a link. (You may read reviews of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and The Day After Tomorrowhere.)
Man, I’m glad you started this thread, darkknight. The exact same thought went through my head. The previews don’t look that promising–the “I love scotch” bit isn’t very funny to me. I did see a clip on The Graham Norton Effect where they all start singing “Afternoon Delight.” That seems like it might have been humorous.
The reviews I’ve read looked pretty good, as long as you realize you’re not seeing Citizen Kane. The only two reviews that I’ve read are A.O. Scott and the one in The Onion.
After really looking forward to this movie, about a week ago I started to get really worried that it would suck, and thought about not seeing it. However, the reviews reassured me, so I’ll go see it.
I’ve seen both, and found Anchorman not terribly funny(except for Steve Correll), yet I liked Dodgeball. I’ve never seen Old School and I despised Zoolander.
I saw it yesterday. I went in there know I would like it because I’ve been a fan of Ferrell for years, but I was pleasently shocked by the performances by the other cast.
Steve Carrell is wonderful in this role. You can see the talent he has. And the cameos by Jack Black and Ben Stiller are great.
It is funnier than Dodgeball. There are a lot of “What the hell?” moments, but it is not plain gross out humor. Everyone will find something they like in this film.
It is mindless entertainment, but it’s entertainment. You will not find the meaning of life in this film, but you will walk away in a good mood.
Oh, and just to add, I saw this movie with my mother and she liked it, although there were some parts she didn’t like Like when Luke Wilson got his arms cut off. But luckily, those parts aren’t the focus of the film.
Dodgeball was a stupid but fun movie. More for guys who like having a “two star” movie be their favorite of all time over a classic I guess.
It did have a lot of more intelligent jokes (I felt) than it gets credit for (maybe because they were so subtle most didn’t notice); for example, the big chest of money the casino guys roll in at the end has a brass plate that says Deus ex machina
The biggest problem I had with Anchorman was a third of the previews weren’t even in the damn movie!
Some parts were dumb, like Jack Black’s scene, but overall I felt they came to be important to the plot and set up a better joke later. pesch’s post hit the nail on the head for Anchorman.
I’ll take the Luke Wilson part (though the second one was “ehh”) and the scene it was in over any scene in White Chicks, Stuck on You, or their kind.
If/when you see Anchorman, check out the clothes the characters in it wear. Then notice the clothes all of the extras have on.
I saw Anchorman last night, and I almost walked out about halfway through. It was one of, if not the, worst movie I’ve seen in the theaters in the past 5 years. It’s pretty sad when the best lines in the movie are a conversation between a dog and bear via subtitles.
I saw Dodgeball a couple weeks ago, and it was better than I expected. The first half is terrible, but the second half had a few laughable moments, most notably the cameos.
Overall, I’d say Dodgeball is a rentable movie (as a last resort), while Anchorman should be avoided like the plague.
If you think Will Ferrell is funny in everything maybe you’ll like this movie.
If your like me and think “yeah, he has his funny moments but he also has a lot of unfunny moments that drag” then you’ll be somewhat disappointed in this flick.
The first hour crawls by with barely a gufaw and it’s not until the Stiller, Vaughn, Black, Wilson guys show up to give it a few laughs. But by then it’s too late.