Tell us something odd about your relationship with your significant other


How does that work?

My late wife and I used to meow at each other. After a while, it got to the point where we occasionally did it in public, to the amusement of our friends.

We don’t have a side of the bed. We’ve been together ten years, and we switch off sides of the bed every few nights. This, apparently, is strange.

We also don’t fart in front of each other.

Well, Tab A goes into Slot B… :wink:

It’s called an open marriage, or polyamory. It’s just not monogamy. How did it work when you dated? Works the same for me, except I have a husband.

Now what he should have said after was, sorry honey I was on the phone , did you want something.

That is uncommon, I would think. I’m fine with sleeping on whichever side of the bed, but my husband has some compulsion that he sleep on the side nearest the door, so that if anyone comes in to abduct me, they have to get past him first.

Now, I’m not exactly high on the list of celebrities or supermodels or heiresses that might be abducted, but even in a hotel room, he must sleep closest to the door. I’d like to think it’s charming, rather than weird, but I just write it off as a little quirk. :smiley:

We have two “children.”

Right after our wedding, he gave me a stuffed shark as a gift. He was a cute little guy, so we started taking him places. Wherever we went, he went too. This included our honeymoon in Belize. Somewhere along the line, he picked up the name “Sharky” and became known to all our family and friends. After about a year, we started making Sharky “talk” to each other like a puppet, as a source of great amusement. Sharky is now three years old and we refer to him as such. He wears a sweater that I knitted (my first project). His favorite song is “Magic Bus” by The Who.

For Christmas, Sharky got a little sister from my parents. We named her Sharkita. It just gets weirder and weirder every year–someday we’re going to have to stop before it gets completely bizarre (I mean moreso), but until we have “real” kids, it’s just too much fun.

Yeah I’ve heard of the concept, but only in fiction. I didn’t think people could actually function like that.

I’ve been married for almost twenty years, and we lived together for about 4-5 years before that. I don’t believe she has EVER addressed me by my name. I have, occasionally, heard her use my first name to indicate me during conversation with others. She just makes up weird little play names for me. And they evolve over time. Fortunately she has yet to use something like “asshole” or “dickwad”.

I do occasionally use her firstname (the Americanized) one, but will more often refer to her as “Bob”. This is because her Thai playname translates to the verb “bob”.

Same with us. I just go with it now.

Our odd thing?
We made a pact before marriage that we would never ever get divorced.
Both have BTDT more than once, and lost the Tshirts.
We have CC licences, and several guns.
It’s been agreed that best shot wins it all.

Yes we are serious… :smiley:

I practice more than she does but she did away with the ‘Thiefopotamus’ tonight while I was in the shower so I better practice some more… :wink:

Don’t know how odd this is compared to what’s already been posted, but we sleep in separate beds because of my (apparently) unbearable snoring. I find this arrangement to be really annoying and feel our relationship would be in a much better way if we could sleep in the same bed. I miss that part.

This is so awesome.

While he’s awake or you’re awake. Do you ever sneak up near him when he’s asleep and let one rip… or an SBD and then sneak back out of the room?

My wife is exactly 6 years, 6 months, and 6 days older than I am.

ONE of us is satan, that’s all I know, or maybe if we have a kid, that’ll be the evil one…


Us either. We’ve had a few short, often drunken arguments, but they’re always resolved within minutes, and neither of us has ever gone to bed angry, unless dat bitch is lyin’ to me ;):wink:

The difference between us and other couples is that we are both reasonable, rational people. Period. We don’t fuck around, we don’t do immensely stupid shit. Everyone I work with does stupid shit, like fuck some girl just because he “couldn’t control himself,” or send money to his secret (yes secret) family (yes FAMILY, not wife) in the Phillipines. Or get his girlfriend’s son a job here, while his wife doesn’t know. Or steal and scratch lottery tickets ON CAMERA, not hidden camera, the cameras are right fucking there for all to see.



Been together about 9 years with my boyfriend.

Just like Whynot, we have sex with other people. Also, it might be pertinent that I also have a girlfriend, with whom I have been with for about 11 years. Yes, everyone is well aware of everyone else.

I live with my boyfriend. If my girlfriend and I lived together, we would probably kill each other within a week.

Weirder though, is that my boyfriend and I have stuffed animals that sleep in our bed. Two octopuses and a duck that honks. They have fights…

The duck is constantly trying to lick the eyeballs of the bigger octopus, and constantly trys to swallow the smaller one. The duck also wants to have his own hedge trimmer so he could use it for an octopus salad shooter.

The duck likes to watch cooking shows. His favorite is host is Ming Tsai

The octopus tries to steal my boyfriends wallet and cell phone so he can order stuff off the TV.

Yeah… I think that qualifies as totally bizarre…

Only a little!

Just thought of something cause it just happened again last night (and this morning).
We sleep naked and often we’ll have sex before we go to sleep, then again in the middle of the night and then again in the morning (sometimes in the shower).
Rarely it’s all three, but it has happened. More often it’ll be the before sleep part and then either middle of the night or morning.
Not sure how common this is (I’m not bragging, really!) but might be considered unusual. If I go 18 hours without sex now that seems like a really, really looooong time. Again, not bragging, just something that might be considered abnormal.
If it matters, the length of the “engagements” vary but probably average about 20-25 minutes each time. Not the shower one, we’d run out of hot water by then.:stuck_out_tongue:

What means this?

This is one of the greatest sentences ever written.

I’m also a little curious what an ice cream spoon is, but I feel I’ve already spent too much time on the whole silverware theme so I probably shouldn’t mention it.

My wife and I also don’t fight. We occasionally have a disagreement, but we never bicker, and never have gotten angry with each other. I’m never worried about how my wife will react to something because she’s pretty laid back about everything. Finally, we’ve both slept naked every night in over 10 years of marriage, however on really chilly nights she’ll occasionally wear one of her silk nighties.