I didn’t see a thread for this episode yet, and I was wondering what everyone else thought of it.
I thought this episode was pretty good, I liked how they refered back to the 2nd movie in it. I see that next week is the final, I hope this show gets renewed, I think it has a lot of room to grow.
This episode was fantastic. And I really liked what they did with Dr. Silberman. After the events of T2, there’s no way he could just go back to being normal. You saw it in his eyes, when the T-1000 walked through the bars he became a true believer.
No, I thought that too, for quite some time. Something about the way he was presented in the first episode was…Terminator-ish.
Was the music that Glauminator was dancing to in the end the same music that was playing in the prison camp Kyle’s brother was in (can’t remember his name)?
My WAG was that he gave up the resistance location under torture and feels eternally guilty about it. He’s a great actor, very compelling. He’s got a face like a magnet. I hope we find out more about him assuring Sarah that he didn’t kill Andy when in fact, he did.
It was pretty damn cold when Cameron left the Russians to die. Strategically, a good move, but still. Brr.
Oh, and Sarah? If that’s the tape you never want the kid to see, DON’T BRING IT HOME TO DESTROY IT!! Sheesh! There wasn’t a BRIDGE she could have tossed it off before she got home?
One might argue that she actually WANTED John to see it because of her guilt.
I also really enjoyed this episode, although it would have been a great chance to get Earl Boen the actor who played Dr. Silberman in all 3 movies, to guest star.
Just one issue…are they saying that the events of T2 took place in 1997, now?
I mean, they couldn’t have happened the same year that the movie actually came out, granted, since John would have been too young. But according to the Terminator’s dialogue in the same movie, it took three years (from that moment in time) for Cyberdyne to become a major military contractor, and build Skynet in time for Judgement Day on 8/29/97.
Of course, maybe Sarah was recaptured again, then gave up her parental rights before being rescued. Again.
EDIT: By the by…who d’ya suppose was the name the Russian guy gave Cameron? Charles Bishop Weyland jr, maybe?
I remember when watching the episode I was thinking “wait, the machines mysteriously let you go, so you run back to your secret base? Idiots! They’re tracking you” but obviously that’s not the angle they were working. Giving the location under torture might make sense - they’d rush back to see if anything was left, knowing it wouldn’t matter if they were tracked.
I like that they’re having characters that aren’t too dumb to ignore what they see in front of them. From the beginning of the show I expected the cop to always be chasing Sarah and despite all of the weirds happening around her life never wonder whether there was anything to what she said. It’s interesting that they’re taking this direction.
It was nice to see Silverman and how he changed. His brief appearance in T3 was pretty funny.
Which made her smile all that much more chilling. I wondered if she was programmed to ever smile. Of course, around John and Sarah, she doesn’t need to. For a cyborg to infiltrate successfully, though, it would be necessary for it to simulate at least some basic types of human emotion. And I didn’t remember her smiling at John quite like that in the first episode.
Ms Glau really has ballet experience - I wonder if she asked for that to be a plot element or the producers/writers just decided to take advantage of it
I really liked her ballet sequence, and a great setup to the “too mechanical” gag. If she wasn’t so busy, she would rock on Dancing With The Stars. As a bonus she could fouetté jeté Len Goodman’s head into the audience.
I have a theory that Cameron is actually either part human (i.e. human brain) or imprinted with the mind of a significant human (i.e. John’s daughter or wife who is critically wounded). She might be faking the whole “I’m a robot” mannerisms, responses, and attitude, because if the Connors realize her secret, she would have a harder time completing her mission. Guess we’ll find out next week what that “big secret” really is.
Will I ruin everything if I see this one without having seen the last one? Fox has an “on demand” thing on its website that I could watch, but it wants to install software and I don’t trust Rupert Murdoch with my computer.
By the way, my Tivo caught the end credits of “Moment of Truth” and I thought the music sounded a little like a ripoff of the general Terminator theme.
You should be able to see this episode if you missed the last one. The last episode focused mainly on the future. This episode pretty much takes over from two episodes ago, when the turk was stolen.
I thought it was questionable whether the glauminator was good or evil. In the last episode, they made it clear that “sometimes they go bad”. Then later in the episode, we see her stowing away the chip from the terminator that she was supposed to destroy. I don’t think she let the russians die for strategic reasons, I just think she didn’t care.