Texting mitts made to order

I don’t know why I didn’t post this ages ago…

I make fingerless texting mitts in several styles, as seen here. If you’re interested, email me at my dopername at yahoo dot com and tell me what style you like and what color. I’ll ask you a few questions and assuming you pick a color I have in my stash, I can get them made and in the mail in a couple of days. If I need to buy the yarn, it may add a day to the turnaround time. (Depending upon the style, I can make one or 2 pairs a night.) I can’t take any Christmas orders after Dec 17 because I’ll be going out of town at the end of that week, but I will be back on Dec 28 and ready to go again.

Thanks for looking at my creations! :smiley:

those green popcorn ones look remarkably like the cactus in Minecraft, you should see about marketing to that crowd, maybe make hats too.

(I would so rock a popcorn style kinda square ski hat in that color green)

Another market you should look into is clarinet players.

I made a pair for a coworker whose hands get cold in the office - she wears them and can still type! For myself, I need the opposite - my hands are OK, but my fingers get frozen…

I’ve made popcorn hats but never a square style - I’m intrigued - now I need to look for a pattern…

Yeah, they’ll look a lot better than the gloves we had to cut in marching band.