That horrible disgusting Abanian Dwarf is gonna be made a saint

I thought this was going to be about Mini-Me.

IIRC Penn an Tellers show Bullshit ripped her a new one a few years back. How factually correct that episode might or might not be is another issue. I know they are no fan of religion and can kinda be dicks at times, but I suspect if they had something to bitch about there probably was something to bitch about.

I will un-pittishly agree with prior statements that JP2’s abbreviation of the canonization process creates serious pitfalls. Wojtyla and Ratzinger both felt it very important to elevate many people to sainthood from very many countries and especially those who toed the institutional line.

JP2’s own fast-track canonization was conveniently used to piggyback John XXIII’s which had sort of stagnated because he was a favorite of liberals, so yes, it is a highly political process…

Albania! Albania! You border on the Adriatic.
Your land is mostly mountainous
And your chief export is chrome.

And I was wondering what Hervé Villechaize had done to piss someone off.

But, the Church can’t make that finding in Mother Theresa’s case! It’s too late!


Is most wonderful news for great country Albania, and all peoples who reside inside her. Is now most honorable country and no longer 2nd place to Kazakhstan!

Unfortunately, that article is full of those bits that brings down the resource. Anyone who comes in thinking that Teresa is a saint will see an article biased towards hating her, rather than just an objective look at her issues.

It’s one of those times when RationalWiki prefers to preach to the choir.

Something about a plane.

In other words, all the time.

Rationalwiki simply sucks. It’s like a better proofread Conservipedia.

Adding to that, her private writings have revealed that she had lost her faith decades before she died. So she was making other people suffer as a sacrifice to a God she wasn’t sure existed.

So, perfect cite for a Pit thread, right?

How 'bout this one?

Does that mean Mepos has moved into second place?

-Saint Jay

Her teachings in India “be fruitful and multiply” were really not at all what the country needed. Really, that particular part of Catholic doctrine (don’t use any birth control but the rhythm method) needs to go away, pronto.

Add me to the list of people who don’t like her. However, the Catholic Church literally cannot go lower in my estimation, so nice try, but fuggedaboutit.

I dunno about the proofreading. It’s more like Conservapedia without the stupid.

However, note that the article begins this way:

No–it’s just about as stupid. And biased. And useless. But it is better spell-checked.

Mea culpa! I guess I didn’t get that issue of the monthly church bulletin.

Mea culpa #2: 2(not 1 as I indicated) is the number of miracles required to add to the canonization resume.