"That was a guy singing?!" wrong calls on singers' genders thread

So…I just discovered that the person singing in the opening part of “Put Your Money Where Your Mouth Is” by Jet wasn’t a female guest vocalist :eek:

Back when the Batman Beyond soundtrack came out, I’d never heard of PJ Harvey. PJ didn’t seem like such a strange name for a guy. Then I saw the video and was surprised to find out “he” was a she. Now I know a lot of her music and like her voice, but none of her other sounds sound like that one, either. The song was “One Time Too Many” ftr.

Who did you call wrong? I bet none of your calls are as upsetting as a coworker’s discovering the “cute teenage girl” in Hanson was a teenage boy :smiley:

Wayne Newton’s “Danke Schoen.” Hands down.

The classic example would be Wayne Newton.

Rumor has it that Nick Gilder is a man, but I remain unconvinced. I know women who have deeper, more masculine-sounding voices than he does (did).

If you’re not sure who he is, he sang on the original of “Roxy Roller” by Sweeney Todd, and had his own “Hot Child In The City.”

Timothy B. Schmitt of the Eagles - (“I Can’t Tell You Why,” “Love Will Keep Us Alive”)

I thought Hot Child in the City was sung by a woman until I saw Nick Gilder in the video. Guys looked like that in the '70’s.

Darren Hayes “Insatiable”. I didn’t know it was him until I saw the video. I honestly thought it was a female singer.

One more for Wayne Newton and “Danke Schoen”.

Not an uncommon problem- the first time Hanson saw the video for MMMbop, one of the members saw himself in the screen and said “Look at that cute little girl!”

I was surprised recently to learn that “Laughter in the Rain” and “Love Will Keep Us Together” were sung by a man (Neil Sedaka).

Although he might have done a version, the Love Will Keep Us Together I’m most familiar with is the Captain and Tenille’s- and Toni Tenille is most definitely a woman.

Both Kill Hannah and the Silversun Pickups have male singers, but I wouldn’t have known it unless I was told.

I remember well the day that I found out why Alison Moyet and that guy who sang lead for Yaz sounded so alike …

I can’t think of any off-hand but I do this all the time! It’s gotten to be a running joke around here. I’m glad to see it’s not just me.

When I got into '50s and '60s pop as a kid, I sure did wonder how so many lesbians made it into the industry.

I’m not proud of it, but the first few times I heard Fast Car, and before I paid close attention to the lyrics, I thought Traci Chapman was a guy.

Give Me One Reason laid that error to rest.

When I first heard I Remember You by Skid Row, I thought the vocals were done by a woman. I remember specifically thinking for some reason that it was Lita Ford.

Sorry, Sebastian.

Tracy Chapman (Give Me One Reason) definitely confused me for a while.

“The Neverending Story” by Limahl.

The hair didn’t help either.

I was coming in to mention Tracey Chapman, specifically “Fast Car”. I lost ten bucks to my dad over that one.