That was one weak-ASS X-Files

OK, I wanted this season to be decent. I didn’t need it to be good, but I was hoping it would be watchable. But tonight hit a new low. Great googly moogly, was that awful.

Why? I don’t know exactly. I’ll see if I can try and put what bothers me into words. Firstly, Reyes accepts any damn idea that pops into her head. Mulder always had a reason for believing what he did - she just seems desperate to find some weird excuse for what’s going on. Plus everything just seemed so convenient. Mulder and Scully had to work to figure out their cases. Not anymore. Now Reyes has a psychic vision, or some character spontaneously pops out with five minutes of exposition, or something, and boom - there’s your answer.

And let’s not forget the one word that gave me physical pain - ECTOPLASM. Let me repeat that - they found ecto-fucking-PLASM!! Remember the dialogue right after that? Where Reyes yelled at Dogget for “ignoring the evidence”? Anyone else notice that said evidence didn’t pop up again for the rest of the show???

And the ending. Talk about anticlimactic. The bad guy gets popped off camera. Predictably, the real bad guy gets away under mysterious circumstances, but instead of a spooky shot of him running away or something as the credits rolled, we get the Three Stooges sitting around talking about how he got away.

Maybe it’s because I’m watching the DVDs of season one of the X-Files right now, but it was just stupid. It really pissed me off. Bah.

Preach it, Smeghead! What the hell WAS that?!? The only remotely creepy part was the first few minutes, and the episode only confirmed why I hate, hate, HATE Agent Reyes. She sounded like a Catholic schoolgirl at a Halloween slumber party. And making her psychic does not make her an interesting character!

And when they were performing the first autopsies, Reyes says “He shot her, but he was tricked” or something like that, and Scully doesn’t even say “How are you so sure?” Way OOC for Scully.

Ectoplasm. Good GOD! He could at least have been vomiting BLOOD, or plain old VOMIT - and if he was orchestrating the whole thing, how the hell did he get all that tomato juice into his stomach in the first place??

Lame. Lame. Lame.

Eh… I thought it was ok. I was very relieved to just see a plain-old XFile with the “new team” so I wasn’t overly critial of the episode.

Scully has been out of character this whole season. I don’t like Reyes. I didn’t like this episode’s ploy to set up a Dogget-Reyes/Scully love-fest. No that I wouldn’t want in on it, but that ploy took seasons of work for Mulder and Scully, and dagnabit, we liked it that way!

This show won’t last more than one more season, and may even die with this one. it just doesn’t seem to have it anymore. Maybe its my devotion to Scully, maybe its Mulder’s quirky face… I dunno. But it just ain’t doing it for me.

I’ve been annoyed every time I’ve seen Reyes walking about. See, several weeks ago, I saw on the official site this blurb promoting the season premiere… and part of it was about who killed Agent Reyes.

So I thought: “Neat! The psychic bitch is gonna bite it! Wonder if she’ll see that coming!?”

So with each episode in which she’s not killed, I’m asking myself exactly what the hell is going on.


And yeah, it doesn’t help that this season sucks so far.

Yuk! It was horrible! This was the first episode I’ve watched in awhile. I’ve always enjoyed the X Files, but have never liked Agt. Doggett much- too harsh and one dimensional. Same problem with Reyes.

What was up with the puke scene??? Why didn’t Doggett get the hell out of the way? He just stood there while it came on & on & on for way too long. And then Reyes holds up a tiny vial of “evidence”. It would have been more effective if she’d slogged in a big bucket full and heaved it down at Scully’s feet, with some defiant eye contact. Ya might hope…

It really amounts to bad scriptwriting. This last episode was pitiful. Trite idea, stilted dialogue, and none of the exquisite lighting and odd pace that made the show such a TV groundbreaker. It seems like the original creative team quit when it should have ended, and Fox is just trying to get one last drop out of their cash cow. Poor Scully, bet she’s ready to vomit up the sticky ectoplasm of her contract.

The X Files has left the building. I wish they’d give it the grace of a nice limo ride into retirement before it ends up lonely, doped, bloated, and face down on the bathroom carpet.