That'd make a great video game!

Share your thoughts on what would make for some great video game action!

  1. A cops ‘n’ robbers MMORPG, 1930s-style Prohibition gangsters. Bribe the cops, pursue the bad guys, wander the mean streets, drive a bulletproof Packard. Pursue old-timey forensic evidence against killers, smuggle guns, take over territory from rival gangs.

  2. A reincarnation-based shooter. You have multiple lives… but not multiple bodies. If you die, you get reincarnated as somebody or something else (you take over the body of your last victim, perhaps). The strategy is to decide when to switch to a more advantageous form — for use as camouflage or infiltration, for its combat prowess or stealth, or to gain access and information.

What are your thoughts? What kind of video game would you want to see?

I’d play #1, sounds like Mafia with more depth. #2, wasn’t something like that done already? Can’t remember the title.

I’d like to play a strategy war game in a world like Oblivion. You’d have a home castle and issue orders to your underlings, the orders would trickle down the chain of command. Messengers would bring back news, you could sketch out notes and diagrams on a rough regional map as to how things were going. Additionally though, you could go out yourself on any of these operations and do or witness things personally.

A driving game through extremely difficult terrain with the objective of delivering medicine to a remote village or some such. You’d have to get out of the vehicle and cut down trees, scout rivers for shallow places to drive across, maybe winch the vehicle out of deep mud, and all sorts of other hazards that might show up in a jungle, desert, rocky canyon, frozen tundra, etc.

In later levels, maybe you’d have to make a path for a less capable off road vehicle. Sort of a Tomb Raider or Ico with a 4WD.

Yeah, Messiah, released in 2000.

I want a RPG with a modern setting. Something with the explorability and freedom of Oblivion but with guns and cars.

My ideal example would be an epic X-Files game. Your main quest could follow the giant alien/government conspiracy. Your side quests would be to solve episode-of-the-week style phenomenon.

A strategy game in which you have to lead a revolution. You start with a small band of followers, and must build support, engaging the oppressive leaders only at opportune moments.

That’s the plot of Freedom Fighters, but it’s an action game rather than strategy. Worth playing though, it portrays a fictional Soviet occupation of the US.

The Ultimate War Sim

Though it’s an RPG instead of a strategy game, Suikoden for the original Playstation had a story along these lines.

Yeah I figured it was probably one that had been done before. I’ll have to check those titles out.

Smugglers Run from Rockstar Games is basically that. Very good. Haven’t tried the part 2

I actually have one thought out and wrote a quick thread on it a few months ago. But yeah, I’m an on-and-off-again Freedom Fighters addict. It’s a really, really good game, but underhyped. It was the first (?) project of IO interactive, who make the Hitman games and the upcoming Kane & Lynch: Dead Men game.

It might be time to check the PS2 used bin at Gamestop again!

IMO, Smugglers Run isn’t much like “A driving game through extremely difficult terrain with the objective of delivering medicine to a remote village or some such. You’d have to get out of the vehicle and cut down trees, scout rivers for shallow places to drive across, maybe winch the vehicle out of deep mud, and all sorts of other hazards that might show up in a jungle, desert, rocky canyon, frozen tundra, etc.”

It’s a fairly simple outdoor terrain engine where you drive at improbable speeds over the basic terrain. A neat game but not nearly as technical as Pithy describes.

Pithy should look at Screamer 4x4, it seems to be the most realistic 4x4 simulator I’ve seen. Not sure if there’s any story or missions though.

true. Realism is certainly not the top issue in SR. I would have never thought of a driving game where you get out of the car, though. I am intrigued.

Grand Theft Auto, anyone? No? Anyone? Dust? Anyone? No?

I’d like to see a 19th Century FPS/RPG in the style of Deus Ex- something in the vein of King Solomon’s Mines, perhaps. I reckon that’d be pretty fun.

Something that gels Gary’s Mod for Half Life 2 into a MacGyver game. It’ll be a real bugger to playtest and balance, but the open ended game play would be awesome. Make it an adult 3D version of of Sierra’s ‘The Incredible Machine’. Mullets included too.

An open road driving sim. Similar idea to MS Flightsim series, but allow miles of user created roads. Would be nice to take a whip around familiar roads in a multimillion dollar car of my choice. The litigation cases arising from this game could be interesting.

Ideally, I’d want to see something along the lines of Civilization meets Total War. Add in sophisticated demographic calculations, non-generic religions, migration, in-depth social engineering (aka civics)… the works. THEN make it possible to create individual characters you control in first person to explore and adventure in the world you are building and vying to dominate. Spies can venture into enemy territory to uncover secrets and conduct sabotage. A maritime character in the Renaissance could build up a fleet (as in Uncharted Waters) and not only explore new lands, but establish trade routes that benefit your empire. In battle (If you choose not to command your troops Total War style), you can play as a single soldier and attempt to take out enemy officers or their standard. Play a colonist dealing with the challenges of establishing a settlement on a new continent (even travle the Oregon Trail if you like). Heroic deeds garner fame for your characters and raise the spirits of your people; you may occasionally see the statue of a heroic character you played centuries earlier. Or you could just explore or be a criminal or pirate or somesuch.

I know, it’s totally unimplementable, but a man can dream.

Or, what I’ve been clamoring for on the KOEI forums. I’d like to see them come back out with Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Nobunaga’s Ambition, and Genghis Khan in English. With the attention that’s placed on Total War these days, they could make a killing if they do it right.

Unfortunately, they neglect the English-speaking market.

I’d like a good multiplayer shooter with realistic period weapons and settings: posse vs bank robbers; ok corral, etc. etc.