The Amazing Race 12/09/07 - "The Cherry on the Sundae...

…That’s Already Melted."

Last week: That g.d. gnome showed up again and put a bunch of the local animals out of work. Teams had fun with math and stilts and that one dude totally called his girlfriend a bitch right in front of everybody! Oh, and the blondes got Philiminated and wasn’t that just too bad so sad bye!

This week: There were no animals in the previews, so really, who cares? Most of the teams are awful so the animals (and I include Phil in that description…woof!) are all there is to look forward to. Football delays likely.

I’m holed up in the Steel City watching the game before The Amazing Race, so I’ll keep the thread posted about any football-related delays. The way I figure it, 60 Minutes should give me just enough time to get dinner between games.

There’ll definitely be a delay. I’ll let you know how long it’s looking.

Game just ended, so TAR should start at (or shortly after) 8:20 Eastern time.

The game’s over. I’d say allow for a 15 or 20 minute delay due to football.

It looks like there are a couple of meltdowns in the works. Nate and Jennifer always seem to be good for one, and there were hints that the brother and sister engineers are about to have one. It’s a shame. She seems to have her head screwed on far straighter than her brother gives her credit for.

At Dope the Halls last night, the consensus opinion was that A&H will have a brief meltdown and recover quickly, as opposed to the shattering meltdown that the editors teased us with in the preview.

I had heard this season has no non-elimination weeks, but there are more episodes than teams.

I predict this episode ends with one of those “the race continues” moments.

I’m not the best person in a boat but I’ve got to say that is some of the sorriest excuses for rowing that I’ve ever seen…

Why hasn’t someone murdered Jen? I’d pay money!

The gentleman and I squabbled a bit this weekend, and we haven’t been as good to each other as we might. However, he and I just shared a good laugh and a hug when I started to point out that things could be worse – I could act like Jen! :wink: We also had the identical response when she asked Nate, “Why are you yelling at me?!” “Because you’re yelling at me.”

Back to the race!

Nate and Jen are a ton of fun. Not. Well, maybe yes. Ditch the bitch, man!

What’s the story on Ronald’s hernia? He is picking up rocks, rowing boats and racing up stairs like a champ.

The cheerleading goths are just too cute to be real.

I want to know what’s with Nick. No matter how hard or physical the task, his grandfather does it, not him. Has he done anything yet? I also saw some of the worst rowing I’ve ever seen in my life, and that includes a fair amount of time spent at state parks on lakes.

Ron really needs to lose the ‘Who’s your daddy?’ shirts.

“It’s not fair! It was totally our turn to win one! And we were totally discriminated against as Wet-Americans because that taxi guy was just a hater! And the stupid rules were stacked against us because when they say “take a taxi” our understanding was “take a car of some kind” and our understanding should be accommodated or we’re being totally discriminated against as Stupid-Americans!”

GodDAMN, dude! You canNOT be that desperate for sex that you’d put up with this on a regular basis…

I agree, Siege. I recall Nick telling his grandfather that they’d do the rowing (Long then Short) so grandpa could rest. What do we see next? Grandpa rowing!!!

When NattyJen arrived at the boat dock, it looked like Nate was about to dunk Jen. She’d earned it, too.

In their favor, they’ve demonstrated what we’ve been saying for a while: The “clues” are too specific, and would be more entertaining if they rarely require a particular mode of transportation. (In which case, NattyJen probably would have walked to the Stone Cross instead of thumbing a ride.)

Honestly. Nothing will ever top “paddle like a canoe” in the Lousy Rowing Stakes…

Did anyone else notice that none of the teams were wearing packs? I know Jen and Nate were not wearing theirs when they came out of the airport. Maybe they got lost on the plane.

I did notice, Edward, I thought they left the packs in the first taxis. Perhaps a TAR representative met the teams at the airport and took their packs for safekeeping? Is there any way to check on this?

I noticed that. I figured that they all dropped them off somewhere with an production person, since they would be doing the zip lines and climbing and getting wet.

Ur in mah head duping mah thoughts.