After the oh so suspenseful last few episodes, we’re down to four teams tonight. We had three consecutive eliminations due to transportation issues – two eliminations due to airplane flight routings, and one NEL penalty that ran smack into a charter bus schedule that kept them from recovering. What’s going to happen tonight?
My take (as discussed at yesterday’s Dopefest) is that we’ve had two non-elimination legs so far, and we’re down to four teams. The present NEL penalty is completely useless when assessed on the final leg. Logically, tonight will be a NEL. QED.
Which is something of a pity, as I want to see Eric and Danielle get eliminated, just to see if Danielle borrows Sarah’s ironleg boot and dumps Eric on the mat.
The other opinion present was to see Charla and Mirna get eliminated. Apparantly their snarkiness is just too much for some people.
CBS has golf matches this afternoon, which usually don’t run late. So TAR will most likely be broadcast on schedule.
Yeah, I’d like to see Eric and Danielle go home next. Charla and Mirna are at least entertaining to watch. I’m still rooting for the BQ’s to win it all.
I’d like to see the BQs or the Cha-Chas win. I don’t really like Mirna and Charla or Eric and Danielle.
Although it would be funny to see Danielle dump Eric on the mat like Sarah did with Peter, I don’t think she’s smart enough to do that. She’s too needy.
At this point in the ep (22 minutes in), I just want to say: Do those overinflated senses of entitlement that some of the Racers are carrying around fit in the overhead bins, or what? Because that is some baggage to carry around. Sheesh, I think I hate everybody except the Chas.
I missed the first 10 minutes. What was up with all the Airport Drama? From what I could tell, it looked like Oswald & Danny and Charla & Mirna jumped the line by going to the airline office instead of waiting at the counter. So who was really there first, and what was the bickering about stand-by on the other flight?
And, what happened to the rule that a team could only get one Fast Forward? Danny & Oswald (Intersected with Uchenna & Joyce) took the FF in Poland, how could they take this one, too?
I’m thinking that Intersected FFs don’t count toward that, if only because it would be supremely unfair if one of the intersected teams had previously taken a FF but the other hadn’t. You choose your intersection team before you open the envelope, right? There’s no way to know if there’s an FF in there until you open the envelope.
I think you can tell if it’s going to be a non-elimination leg. They don’t play the “sad” music as the last team approaches the mat. At least that is what I noticed tonight.
RobertArm, the airport drama arose, I think, because the teams are very aware of how much difference making flights or not have made on this race in particular. So there are lots of arguments going on about who was first in line and who should be first on the stand-by list because there was a good possibility they wouldn’t make the flight. When the teams got to the airport the airline desks were closed. Danny and Oswald and the Scmirnas went to see if there was somewhere else they could go to book flights. They were successful in flagging down employees prior to their arrival at the “official” front desks, and instead seemed to be in their offices. Because they did that, they got booked first.
I wouldn’t call it line-jumping, anymore than I would have said that whoever did it in Africa when they went up to the second floor offices, and the teams that stayed in the “ordinary” line ended up being so far behind.
I do wonder why the cameras/editors showed at least twice the rules around flying on Malaysian airlines, that included the dress code when D/O were booking their flight, when it was not an issue at all. Are they deliberately showing “red herrings” now? There was one a few weeks ago when Dustin and Kandace left their backpacks on a bench when they were running somewhere. I recall the bags being showed in a way that might lead one to believe they were going to be stolen.
The BQs were so pissed because, if I remember right, they were the first ones at the airport. That’s it. No playing dirty, just playing different. You didn’t think of going directly to the airline office? Too bad, is what I say.
I dislike Danielle a very lot. Going any further with that statement will probably involve a lot of swearing. Eric’s no prize, either, but something about Danielle makes me want to stick my thumb in her eye and scoop out her brains every time they show her scowly little face.