The Big Bang Theory, Season 11, Episode 11 (December 14, 2017) -- "The Celebration Reverberation"

I am starting this thread in anticipation of tonight’s episode.

I’m trying to decide which plot sucked more, the “A” plot or the “B” plot.

Not one single laugh the entire episode. And since when does Penny wear pajamas like those?

It’s starting to really feel like they don’t know where the show is going, and they’re just circling the drain. I think they should set an end point and head directly for it with a neatly tied bow.

I really hope Sheldon is going to drop this “once a year” crap once they are married. He’s dropped hints as if it were already a thing of the past, but now here it is again. Weird.

I too feel like we are drifting aimlessly.

And I fussed at you all for getting hung up on Penny’s haircut. but I REALLY don’t like Raj’s curls. I’d probably love it if he cut it shorter though. It’s just so 70’s.

That’s Kunal Nayyar’s preferred real life haircut.

I’ve been defending the show this season, and have overall liked it, but last night really, really sucked. It was almost as bad as that monumental crapfest where they sing karaoke to pregnant Bernadette. Plus, I actually fell asleep and missed the end. Because I automatically record all TBBTs, I immediately reran the part I missed. Wow. What a waste of time. I may keep it on my DVR, though, for insomnia nights.

“Oh, no, I left the food out.”
“Are you afraid it will go good?”

Kind of an obvious joke, but I laughed. And props to Mayim Bialik; she’s obviously not afraid to go dowdy and frumpy for her role, but the way she looked lying in bed sick was above and beyond the call.

It was out of character for germaphobe Sheldon to eat a traditionally-prepared dinner like that. I kept expecting him to comment that their experience after the meal was even more authentic than he planned.

I thought it was funny, particularly the line about the food left out. And Howard and Raj in the bouncy house were amusing.

But with the world’s second smartest human preparing it, certainly there was no reason to fear food poisoning? Especially if he is a germophobe.

The default Firefox spell-checker doesn’t like germa- or germo-.

Howard is still douche (and the bag it comes in) with Raj. I hope Howard doesn’t think that one afternoon of bouncy house makes up for the years of making fun of Raj.

Man I miss when raj was a bit of a prick, especially after a drink, rather than the wet blanket he plays now. Not sure why I’m still watching the show really when I don’t enjoy it.

Howard doesn’t deserve his mean wife, shrill baby or sad-sack best friend. Still glad they made up. I know this episode is gonna not be liked but I love it. This show knows its characters and plays them well. Everything I think about this group of losers is true and played for laughs. Also, I’m glad Amy and Sheldon get to bouncy in a house and as scheduled.

So Halley’s grandparents didn’t come to her party? They mentioned Bernadette’s sister, but Bernadette supposedly has lots of siblings (she complained about taking care of them when she was at home) - couldn’t any of them come to the party?

General theme - people on TV have very small immediate families.

Two “B” plots with no “A” plot. :rolleyes:

Wait, they did? I guess I missed the closing bit. Would it have been worth waiting for? I was pretty fed up by the last commercial.

If you didn’t like the episode, the closing bit isn’t going to change that. Here’s my memory of it. I think it’s accurate:

The couple showed up to the party feeling better. Everyone goes inside except Sheldon and Amy.

Sheldon eyeing the bouncy castle: You know, it’s still technically your birthday.
Amy a bit giggly: Yeah.
Sheldon: Let’s say me and you go bounce in that castle— and then later find a bed to engage in coitus.

The two run joyfully toward the bouncy castle. Freeze frame. The end.

And they tend to spend important life events — birthdays, weddings, major holidays, etc. — with people from work (or whichever sitcom premise has thrown them together in the first place) rather than their immediate families.

Or even with other people they ought to know at least as well as the people that the sitcom keeps throwing at them (Bernie doesn’t have any friends from her recent graduate student days, and Penny is the only person from work she sees socially apparently, even though she’s worked there for several years).

…well I enjoyed the last couple of episodes.

There almost seem to be two different teams in the writing room. One team writes those horrible appalling episodes like episode 3 of this season where Raj and Stuart decided that sexual harrassing someone was a good idea. And the team that writes episodes like this one and the last one where the characters genuinely like each other and have the opportunity to grow and change. I’m the kind-of-viewer that doesn’t demand a laugh a minute or the plots to be deep and meaningful: I just like to hang out with the characters for a while. (And yes, I loved Lost and I loved the Lost finale. :smiley: )

Oh, I’m still enjoying the show; I liked that Raj and Howard can find common ground in the fact that they both love Halley, and I like that Sheldon can think of a birthday present that Amy will like, and still overdo it in a Sheldonesque way.