The Big Bang Theory, Season 8, Episode 24 (May 7, 2015) -- "The Commitment Determination"

Worst episode ever!

I’m just starting this thread in advance of the episode airing tonight.

I wonder what’ll happen.

I liked the part where Sheldon… oh, never mind, I can’t do this right now!

…and then Penny came in. Yeah, that was so good…but the short one did become a bit shrill!

But did they have to be so mean to each other?

…even though in Season 3 it was clearly established that…

The B plot between (Sheldon/Leonard/Howard/Raj/Penny/Amy/Bernadette) and (Bernadette/Amy/Penny/Raj/Howard/Leonard/Sheldon) was much better than the A plot.

Or was it the other way around?

Damn it! I missed the Penny and Leonard resolution. Everything from when he asked Penny if there was anything she wanted to confess and she said, “No!” Stupid neighbors knocking on the door during Big Bang Theory.

I liked the non-sequitur that Sheldon interjected into the conversation the others were having. But still, it was the worst episode ever!

So there will be a triple wedding ceremony on the first episode of next season, I guess. But they are hinting that there will be a revelation about how two of the characters are, unknown to them, actually brother and sister. That might screw up everything.

I liked the cliffhanger ending, with Sheldon musing over the engagement ring, but I can see Amy wanting to figure out if she wants to put up with him anymore.

I would have liked to see some growth with the other characters…Raj breaking up with Emily (she’s cute, but she’s getting very creepy, and not in a charming way) and Bernadette and Howard telling Stu they will always love him, but it’s time for him to be on his own.

The thing with Leonard on the research ship was meh. It was two years ago, wasn’t much, just some drunken kissing. I’d be more upset that he didn’t say anything sooner.

I love this show, but Sheldon’s line about sticking with a show even when it declines in quality hit a little close to home for me.

Not the first time this has happened. When the Sheldon (or whoever) get anal about continuity disconnects I think it message to the audience to remember that this is a fricking sitcom and to quit obsessing and nitpicking every little continuity issue.

I disagree. I think it’s an admission to their long-time viewers that they understand the degree of dedication and loyalty of their fan base, and will spare no effort in maintaining continuity. For example, if it was previously established that a character’s favorite breakfast cereal was Froot Loops, it would be an unforgivable lapse to suggest that he now favored Cap’n Crunch’s Crunch Berries.

I thought for a season finale it was pretty weak, honestly. I don’t mind the cliffhangers re: Penny/Leonard and Amy/Sheldon, but why even bring up Raj breaking up with Emily or Howard and Bernadette asking Stuart to move out if they were just going to wuss out and not do it?

Emily is getting a little too creepy for me, and that’s hard to do because I love creepy stuff. I like her, but I don’t think she’s a good match for Raj. I hope they break up and maybe he’ll get together with Yvette the Vet or something.

I’m still holding out for Bernadette and Howard to get pregnant and employ Stuart as a nanny because neither of them want to stay home with the kid.

I can’t figure out why Emily went into dermatology and not pathology. I still think Raj should have called Yvette the Vet. And am I the only person who saw that Sheldon manipulated Leonard and Penny into going to Vegas?

I found it really hard to accept Sheldon has not been watching Flash.

Yeah, it’s his favourite character. He should’ve asked if it was worth watching Gotham. Or Daredevil. Or Powers.

He’s been burned too many times. He doesn’t want to start if the quality declines and he’ll end up hate watching it, or be forced to start a letter writing campaign to get a final episode/movie to wrap up lose ends when it gets cancelled.

Yeah, I really don’t see Sheldon waiting until now, when the season’s almost over, to decide whether or not he should watch Flash.

I suppose I should be used to season-ending cliffhangers by now, but must they be so contrived? After everything she’s put up with, I’m not surprised at Amy breaking up with Sheldon. If she were real, and were my friend, I would have advised her to cut him loose a long time ago. But the ring, and Sheldon’s apparently planning to propose, really comes out of left field. I can’t help but feel that he sees getting married as just a way to get her to stop bugging him; the “next logical step” on paper that should satisfy her, with no real idea what that entails. Since he still doesn’t understand what was wrong with interrupting their anniversary makeout session to talk about a TV show, there’s no way he has the emotional awareness to be a good husband. I know this breakup won’t last, but it might be interesting if Amy were to start dating someone else next season.

Penny was right. Leonard’s confession really was a passive-aggressive way to sabotage getting married. Plus, this isn’t the first time that Leonard, supposedly in a committed relationship, has “just kissed” some other girl while separated from his “committed” girlfriend. Remember the comic book girl while Priya was in India? But I had thought, or hoped, that he had matured since then. This is another contrivance that comes out of nowhere for the sake of the cliffhanger.

Emily is just not working. I really hoped Raj would dump her. That really would have been significant growth for him, to realize that just because a girl is pretty and interested in him, that’s not sufficient basis for a relationship.

I’m not usually one to jump on the WORST. EPISODE. EVER. bandwagon with this show, but this one was pretty discouraging.

I agree. I’m usually pretty supportive of the show, but this episode blew chunks.

As long as there isn’t a later episode where Sheldon says “We were on a break!” I’ll be happy.