I’m starting this one super early because, Holy Spoilers, Batman!
I’d better start a new post and put this one in a box.
Hold on a sec. . . .
OK, scroll down if you dare.
I’m starting this one super early because, Holy Spoilers, Batman!
I’d better start a new post and put this one in a box.
Hold on a sec. . . .
OK, scroll down if you dare.
Are they gonna wait for a VSE for Christmas?
Drat! Curses! Foiled again!
I’m slightly upset that you beat me to it about starting this thread regarding the upcoming episode, but I suppose I will get over it.
Why upset? Silly gyt . . . oh wait, not a good name to shorten too much is it?
Seriously though, I just couldn’t contain myself after reading that headline.
And now I have to wait for the episode to be available on-line, so you can Lord it over me for a few hours if that helps at all.
Except for the really stupid part with Leonard toward the end this wasn’t too bad of a show. Well, not quite, kind of a weak result for having 4 of them in a soup kitchen, just one nerdoerotic squirt from a sprayer by Howard. So pretty much Sheldon and Amy were good at being Sheldon and Amy this episode, which is better than some of them.
What has been seen can not be unseen.
It’s a bit ironic that as they introduce add characters to the show, characters that become somewhat regular, because of the added commercial time we get less and less story time to see them. I’m sure there could have been more added to the soup kitchen scene, but they gotta squeeze in more commercials, so…
At 21 minutes this was the longest episode this season.
If that’s so, that’s still pretty damn short
Boo on Leonard for reading Penny’s journal. I fell on the floor laughing when everyone walked in and saw him in the slutty carrot lingerie.
Leonard and Penny were just making Thanksgiving for themselves? That seemed a bit odd.
I love the Sheldon and Amy interaction, although I was expecting him to tell her that she gave the wrong answer during the Eat Befriend Kill game.
“I excel at many things, Amy, but getting over you was not one of them.” Okay, that one got me.
The Sheldon-Amy drama is feeling too much like Ross-Rachel. Thanks to some leaks, we know it’s going to end well so knowing that kept me from being too upset that Sheldon put Amy in the friend zone. Of course that makes no sense considering his earlier obsession with getting her back.
Don’t know why they bothered getting Emily for the soup kitchen plot. She had little to say and zero interaction with Raj, who was also pretty much phoning it in.
Leonard in lingerie. Okay, it set up a pretty funny scene when the door opened, but we saw way too much of Leonard. A much better ending would have been a cut to Penny in the same outfit saying doesn’t this look better on me. Well maybe not one cut, maybe an entire episode.
It wasn’t aired in my area (Nashville) – got preempted by a dang’d football game. Crud!
I mostly liked the episode, but the tone was curious. Sheldon and Amy’s plotline was pretty solemn, even if there was some sweetness to it, and the soup kitchen stuff was just kind of there (Emily is still not working for me). Leonard and Penny carried the bulk of the comedy in their storyline, and I did find it pretty funny. I didn’t really care for seeing Leonard in lingerie, but it cracked my wife up when the gang came in and caught him.
What I did like about the Sheldon and Amy story was the sense that they genuinely enjoy each other’s company. We got that sense a lot in some of the older episodes, like when they invented the “Counterfactuals” game, or ran the gossip experiment on their friends, or did “Fun With Flags.” The feeling that on the whole, they enjoyed doing things together. That’s been notably absent in more recent episodes, where it often seemed like it was an ordeal for Amy just to be around Sheldon. It’s nice to see it back. I’m not sure that a single pleasant afternoon is enough of a basis for Amy to want to get back together, but I can at least see why she might have felt that way. I did think that final phone conversation was well-acted, especially Amy’s dejection after Sheldon turns her down. Parsons and Bialik are both bringing their A-game to this storyline.
If anyone thought it was weird to go to an aquarium for Thanksgiving, apparently it’s a real thing.
When Elon Musk appeared–
My wife: Who is that? He sure isn’t an actor!
Me: I don’t know.
Howard: You’re Elon Musk!
My wife: Who’s Elon Musk? Should I know him? Is he on Star Trek or something?
Me: He’s an inventor. He invented–um, uh–Uber? No, that’s not it. Something about travelling in a giant hula hoop?
My wife: That’s ridiculous. Just admit you don’t know him.
Howard: (mentions Tesla)
Me: Yeah, that’s it! Tesla!
My wife: Don’t be silly. That can’t be Tesla. He’s been dead for years.
Random thoughts:
We don’t know it’s going to end well. All we know is that they are going to have coitus. That didn’t end well for Buffy, remember?
21 minutes? Got to sell those over-priced ads to companies who are stupid enough to believe this show is watched by people without DVRs. The way to get your ad noticed is to buy time on the reruns and syndication. An order of magnitude cheaper and much more likely to be allowed to run commercials and all.
If you are going to have guest stars on a show like this, that is the kind of guest star you get! They’ve been really good about getting the nerds to guest.
I kinda liked the Leonard slutty carrot bit. Not him, mind you, but his actions. But the scene really needed some follow-up, like a minute of ribbing by everybody before Amy called.
True, Tesla and Space X are what he makes now but he became a Billionaire initially by inventing PayPal.
It seems the story is driving towards a Sheldon/Amy reconciliation but with Sheldon treating her better. If so, I appreciate that. It is possible for Sheldon to be a funny character without being a horrible asshole.
I think Leonard and Penny were making dinner for the group, which is why everyone went from the soup kitchen back to the apartment rather than going to one of their own places.
Where was Amy in her 5-year plan with Sheldon when they broke up?
See, I didn’t know that.
Maybe my wife was right–I don’t know who he is!
I liked this episode. A couple of things:
What was Leonard wearing under the carrot lingerie? When he turned I saw a Superman S that looked to be about mid-back.
I loved Elon Musk showing up. It’s a pity that Howard the Ass was the one who got the benefit of meeting him. That said, I’d like Elon Musk to adopt me, too.
Leonard offering to make things right by sharing from his online journal would have made me mad, if I were Penny. Not only did he lie about what he wrote, but an online journal is meant for public consumption, even if only among friends, It is a whole different thing than a private journal meant only for yourself.
Another good episode. I too like the Sheldon better when he is nice to Amy.