The "Birthers" are maggots!

LOL fuck Birthers, I’ve moved on to Climate Truthers. :wink:

Well, Margaret Thather sounds a lot like Palin nowadays. But of course, Thatcher is aged & suffering from senile dementia.

I’d prefer Palin. She’s just as evil a right-winger as Thatcher, but she is much less effective. I prefer right-wingers dumb & ditzy.

Why on EARTH should such a “question” be “Unconstitutional”

I am new here, and hoping for some fine discussions.

Is this a good start? Methinks not!

The early life of POTUS O-BOMB-A is shrouded in mystery.

He surely was NOT born in a Log Cabin!

Points and laughs at the Birther newbie

It’s about time one of you clowns showed up. Even if the SDMB had any Birthers before, they were far too intelligent to say so out loud. Welcome!

Sarah Palin is hot, Maggie Thatcher never was.

I’m with you. Birthers are absolutely delightful! You can’t make up that kind of stupid.

I believe the court consensus is that it is up to Congress to deal with this as a strictly political issue, and since Congress as accepted Obama as qualified, no one else has standing to raise the issue.

I’m kind of mystified by that, too.

As I mentioned above, the simple asking of a candidate for President his circumstances of birth (natural born or not) is not unconstitutional. In fact, the Constitutional requirements for being President include being natural born. Now, refusing to accept the answer marks one as a WONJCT of the “Birther” stripe.

You’re giving circus freaks a bad name.

:confused: No, it isn’t. It’s an interesting story, but not in any way mysterious.

Only if you’ve been playing with the “Lil’ Bastard Self-Trepanation Kit”.

Haha yeah. It’s kind of funny. We know more about Barack Obama’s early childhood than most other Presidents.

How many of you knew for instance that George W. Bush had a sister Robin who was like his best friend. Then one day she fell ill and they were separated, and they simply pretended she no longer existed. She died and George was shielded from this experience completely, he was given no real closure on it, they simply stopped talking about her.

Barbara Bush considers it the biggest mistake she ever made. Early twentieth century WASP culture was FUCKED UP.

I bet you all know that Barry Obama lived in Indonesia with his Mother and his Step-Father, but didn’t know anything about Bush’s sister Robin.

So yeah, I bet you know more about B. Obama’s childhood than you do any other President’s.

Aw, c’mon, if not for the birthers, where else would we get to see a lawyer/real estate agen/dentist claim Obama is using 39 different social security numbers and may also have been born in Equatorial Guinea? This is top quality entertainment!

I’d heard about the 39 SSNs, but does she also say he may have “ALSO” been born in Equatorial Guinea? Is Taitz asserting that he was born in two different places at once? Or that EG is just another possible birthplace that’s MOST DEFINITELY NOT THE U.S.?

Nothing is surprising when you’re dealing with the Antichrist.

Only if you are willfully ignorant.

So therefore… he was not born in the United States? Huh? Your amazing powers of logic amaze me!

It’s another place he may have been born. Under her 'Point 4" of items that need to be investigated.

The insanity is too long to quote.

I’d click on that link, but reading sisl’s post has already made several brain cells pop. I can only afford a few per thread.

Sarah or Michael?