The Brady Bunch Test

Satan- good one! I like your interpretation.

Frank, you’re right! Now you have to analyze this. Do you feel your problems are creeping up on you? When life is going well, do you have a nagging suspicion that you’re about to be in for a terrible surprise? :wink:

The one I think of is when Marcia turns the class dorkette into a rightous babe, who then steals her boyfriend.
Analysis: I need to zip up and get out of the house once in a while.

Weirdest “Brady Experience”: I’m just barely old enough to remember only the last season of the Brady Bunch’s run on ABC. After that I watched it in syndication on channel 32 in Chicago, two episodes a day, for years on end. Not only could I identify an episode within about 10 seconds, I even knew the running order and would know what episode would air the next day. But appearantly, channel 32 never aired the Christmas episode, not even around the holidays, so I was totally unaware that this episode even exsisted. After moving to California when I was 13, I finally saw the episode on the L.A. station. I was freaked! After 10 or so years of hardcore Bunch viewing, here’s one I haven’t seen! Can any of you addicts out there imagine your shock if you turned on the TV and unexpectedly saw an episode of the original series for the first time? Of course, I was all alone when I saw it, and my sister thought I was batty when I told her about it. Did other stations delete this episode in syndication?

All you Brady maniacs MUST read Barry Williams’ book, “Growing up Brady, or I was a Teenage Greg!” It’s great! Someone borrowed mine a couple of years ago and it’s missing. :frowning:

Sometimes life is so great you just gotta muss up your hair and quack like a duck!

I have Barry William’s book, too. Very informative.

I first recall the Grand Canyon episode where Bobby and Cindy get lost. That’s it! I wanted the Brady’s to just get lost!

Actually, what I first thought of that episode and continues is: It sure looks like this night scene was filmed in broad daylight with a gray filter. And I was right!

BTW, okatym: Tiger was killed early in the series. They were halfway through filming an episode with him. That night, he escaped his trainer and was hit by a car. Rather than 'fess up, he bought a similar looking dog and brought it to the set. Of course, new Tiger wasn’t trained for filming. He wouldn’t stay, he growled, he peed on things. This is why there’s only 3 or so episode about Tiger. (This is from BW’s book, BTW.)

Doesn’t this sound like a classic sitcom plot: substitute the missing/dead pet with a lookalike before the owner returns?

However, the rumor is not true that Eve Plumb was also run over by a car. She just didn’t want to be associated with the dreck that was “The Brady Bunch Hour”. And Geri Reischl (Jan II) did not growl or pee on things.

What I thought was funniest from the book is learning how much Robert Reed hated the show and complained to the writers. I think he just refused to be in the last few episodes, including the orange hair one.

I think he threatened to not be in episodes, but Sherwood Schwartz almost always capitulated. The Orange Hair episode was the only one he wasn’t in, because Sherwood finally had enough crap and just re-did the script enough to exclude Dad.

Thanks, it’s been a while since I’ve read the book.
Sherwood Schwartz - clearly a genius.

The one that first comes to mind is the episode in which Marcia has a crush on her dentist. Anyone care to analyze that one?